Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

I feel your pain. I have never had a successful guerrilla grow. Tried it 4-5 times when I was younger.:vibes:
Such horrible news. Everything seemed to be chugging along nicely. We need to convince you to come indoors. You can still go on hikes and enjoy nature, with an added bonus of a little nature in your home.

Thanks, @Yeatster.

Yeah, things seemed not too bad, all considering.
I've learned a lot, though.

As for indoors... as you know, I'm originally an indoor grower.
The ability to control the weather, the rain, the light, is so awesome!!
But my situation here, very, very, very hard to do.

I do have a plan, though. More details later.
But for now, work on growing some other herbs indoors for the winter,
like a couple of types of basil, some mints, some spicy peppers.
See how that goes, and get ready for spring next year.

Love and hugs,
Damn...sooo sorry to hear about your problems maria. :( Outdoor growing can be a stuggle for sure, I would guess even more of a struggle in a climate as yours. Mistakes are made, but as you learn from them, you will evolve and learn to adapt to your climate, and with the right strains it can be done!
the dead of any plant is a loss, to loss so many , at this stage is very hard to take . I do hope you have some beans still:watering::greenthumb:

Hi @i want a green thumb - thanks for your post!

It feels like when you hear on the news about some 15 yr old girl dying in a robbery or car crash or something.
Only the good die young............

The Cheeses are still there, for the few grams they have.
And much hope is now on the Northern Lights to save the day.....

No more beans. Thinking about the next grow already.
So many choices of genetics and strains.
But I'm taking a shine to those FastBuds strains...
Planning for next spring, maybe.

I feel your pain. I have never had a successful guerrilla grow. Tried it 4-5 times when I was younger.:vibes:

Hey there @Duckster!

Thanks for the commiserations.
Apart from a couple of very feeble efforts in my teens (IIRC), never completed an outdoor grow, either.

It's not over yet.

Making new plans....

Damn...sooo sorry to hear about your problems maria. :( Outdoor growing can be a stuggle for sure, I would guess even more of a struggle in a climate as yours. Mistakes are made, but as you learn from them, you will evolve and learn to adapt to your climate, and with the right strains it can be done!

Thanks for coming to the funeral, @912GreenSkell

I think that the climate isn't that bad, but not late in the summer to fall season.
Rain fall much less around May and June, and still not that high in July.
And the tropical storms don't come until maybe July, but mainly August and September.
So, spring may be the plan, rounding up in June or maybe to mid July.

I've learned a lot, true.

Love and hugs,