Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

@Maria Sanchez let us know how you and the girls are holding up if you get a chance!!


Hi there @Eyeoftheworld --

Thanks for the positive support!
I haven't seen the girls since I staked them and put them under the cover of larger trees.
Every big gust of wind and downpour has had me worried...

Today is a lull between the first and second big tropical storm.
Even then, the weather is pretty bad, so I don't want to take them out for just a little.
I will try to have a look at them tonight, though, unless the second storm is well underway...

Patience, at this point...
So.... the weather isn't too bad, fairly cloudy, a bit of wind, some rain.
So.... I raced up before noon (not very wise, I know) and had a look at them.

Would they still be alive? Would they be destroyed by the wind and rain?



I took them out from under the larger covering trees.
Yes, the Girls are still alive and (fairly) well!

Some were a bit battered, lost a leaf or two, or had a spider or a leaf hopper.
The stakes that I put in have obviously helped a huge amount!
I think a number of the pistils from the calyxes have been quite wet, so they are already browning.
But they are definitely hanging in there, and still growing away!

Day 40 (Big Girls)

Auto AK47
This young lady is really the best, by far. Her height is about 65cm = 28" tall. Vertical growth almost at an end. Quite green and healthy. She's nicely staked now.
You can see that top cola thickening up nicely. She's still largely a single big bud, with a few little laterals down low.
20160915 Guerrilla~  Auto AK47 (1).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~  Auto AK47 (2).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~  Auto AK47 (3).jpg

Auto White Widow Max
This young lady is also doing very well, especially considering that she bent at the stem just a couple of days ago.
She's about 60cm = 24" tall, though still has a bit of vertical growth to put on. Has more branching on the laterals, some of which have a bit of length.
The buds are slowly thickening up, though she looks about a week later than the AK47 (above).
20160915 Guerrilla~ Auto White Widow Max (1).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~ Auto White Widow Max (2).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~ Auto White Widow Max (3).jpg

Day 36 (Little Girls)

Auto Cheese 1
The two Cheeses are also hanging in there. Both are still fairly spindly looking, even though they appear to have almost finished vertical growth.
This first one is slightly larger, maybe 50cm = 20", but has lost a couple of fan leaves and some inner leaves.
20160915 Guerrilla~ Auto Cheese 1 (1).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~ Auto Cheese 1 (2).jpg

Auto Cheese 2
The second Cheese is similar, but may even be a bit smaller and slightly less laterals.
20160915 Guerrilla~ Auto Cheese 2 (1).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~ Auto Cheese 2 (2).jpg
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Day 36 (Little Girls, cont.)

These are the photo period plants, the GWShark and two NLs.

Great White Shark (fem)
The young lady Shark is a nice Indica girl, love those leaves and that shape!
Even though she's only about 40cm = 16" tall, but as a a Photo plant, not an Auto, she's still got some growth of flowering to go.
Down low, she has some deficiency issues, which I'll get into soon. Given conditions, it's a wonder she's still around at all!
20160915 Guerrilla~ Great White Shark (fem) (1).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~ Great White Shark (fem) (2).jpg

Northern Lights (reg) 1
The other two Photo plants are the good old Northern Lights girls -- yes, both are ladies, yah!!!!!
This is the smaller of the two, looking very strong and healthy over all. Some branching, good shape and condition on the whole.
Maybe also about 40cm = 16" tall, but much growth still to come, check out the center leaves, still putting out 7- and 9-pointers.
20160915 Guerrilla~ Northern Lights (reg) 1 (1).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~ Northern Lights (reg) 1 (2).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~ Northern Lights (reg) 1 (3).jpg

Northern Lights (reg) 2
However, the second Northern Lights girl is even better, stronger and thicker, really lovely young photo plant, just starting to flower.
She's about 50cm = 20" tall, I think (didn't measure properly), and still on 7-pointer and some 9-pointer fan leaves.
Has some minor leave deficiencies down low, but nothing particularly major at this point. Will remedy as soon as possible.
I'm expecting another 30cm = 12" or more in height, though these photo plants will all be quite a bit later than the Autos.
20160915 Guerrilla~ Northern Lights (reg) 2 (1).jpg
20160915 Guerrilla~ Northern Lights (reg) 2 (2).jpg

Hope to put them all back under larger tree cover later tomorrow, because the second big tropical storm is coming through later Friday and Saturday.
Will keep an eye on the weather report.

Very happy that my Girls have survived the first major weather problem. I think nothing can stop them now making it all the way through to the end!

Love and hugs,
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They're back under cover, awaiting the second big tropical storm.
I think they enjoyed some time with some sun in between.

But... the Great White Shark is dead, the stem base destroyed.
Six Girls still standing!

Storm still raging along, though it's not as bad as I expected.
I gave them all a good dose of flowering nutes NPK 3-5-4 plus a dash of the general 15-15-15 before the rains hit.
It was in fairly concentrated form, allowing that the rain will dilute it all and wash it on in.
With this kind of rain, almost impossible to work out nute concentrations. Winging it...
Hopefully can pull them out from under cover tomorrow morning.