Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

The girls are all out from under cover during the big tropical storm in the last couple of days.
On the whole, they are doing just fine. The usual bit of battering, and the weathering of outdoor life.
So, some photos are in order...

Day 43 (Big Girls)

Auto AK47
Well, there she is. Growth has topped out at 25" = 64cm.
Bulking up a little, aroma strengthening. Lovely!
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20160918 Guerrilla~ (4).jpg

Auto White Widow Max
About 23" = 59cm, may still have another 1" = 2.5cm in growth, but largely finishing.
More branched and lighter than the AK47, like a week or more behind overall. Still very nice!
20160918 Guerrilla~ (1).jpg
20160918 Guerrilla~ (3).jpg

Day 37 (Little Girls)

Auto Cheese 1
These really are spindly in size, and the buds are going to be tiny.
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Auto Cheese 2
The second spindly little Cheese.
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Great White Shark (photo, fem)
Now I was even surprised to see this at all. A couple of days are the stem was fully broken, leaves very wilted.
The stem now is basically destroyed, just hanging on by some inner fibers and lying next to the stump out of the ground.
Must be the wet weather and rains, meaning she's getting water through the leaves.
I pushed some dirt around the broken stem, maybe she can suck a bit of water up through that.
May just completely die at any day, or suddenly put out new roots and continue... Who knows?
20160918 Guerrilla~ (9).jpg

Northern Lights (photo, reg) 1
The smaller reg photo NL girl, barely flowering, but looking very healthy and strong.
Maybe only 16" = 40cm high, but some branching going on, too. Young and strong!
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Northern Lights (photo, reg) 2
Her stronger chunkier sister, the second NL, looking awesome, too.
Just starting on the flowering, about 17" = 43cm tall, nice laterals coming out too.
20160918 Guerrilla~ (5).jpg

Wow! They survived that storm!
Okay, the Shark is ... not good, and the Cheeses are... they need some cheese to bulk up!
But the AK47 and the two NLs are really quite good, I'm very impressed

Now the storm has largely passed, a little drizzly rain and some wind,
but the sun is starting to poke through the clouds.
Grow on, girls, grow on!!!!

Love and hugs,
where there is life there is hope .Over all,, the girls are coming along just fine. life in the big outdoors is never easy . :vibes: I'm sure you will get some nice:baked:
your AK47 are looking better than the ones I have a at 47 dayspink.head.beast.JPG she is in the corner left hand side the other 2 are LSD all the same age 47 days and 19 days flowering
the center plant is 1008 CMs
Hang in there - you're doing great! Especially considering all the tribulations the girls have gone through lately. Really like the idea to let them grow horizontal a la natural LST.

Hanging in there, but the stems.... aahhh.... they're all fncked up big time.
The larger NLs are the only ones that aren't really messed up on the stems.

Thanks for the "Like" bombs!
where there is life there is hope .Over all,, the girls are coming along just fine. life in the big outdoors is never easy . :vibes: I'm sure you will get some nice:baked:
your AK47 are looking better than the ones I have a at 47 daysView attachment 633320 she is in the corner left hand side the other 2 are LSD all the same age 47 days and 19 days flowering
the center plant is 1008 CMs

Hmmmm.... interesting comparison. I think because mine were from an early age under less light hours,
and then when they went outside it's about 13/11 and now 12/12, so they're flowering stronger.
You'll doubtless get a much larger yield on the whole, it'll just take longer.
Bad news.

Very bad news.

Not only is the Great White Shark now definitely dead.
But the two big girls, the Auto AK47 and Auto White Widow Max, which were both doing so well, are also dead.
The stem bases are rotted out.
It's mainly from stupid stupid Maria using something in place of vaseline on the stem.
Good advice, but stupidly and badly followed by yours truly.
Can maybe salvage a bit from the AK47, a gram or two of buzz.

(Photos below, but NSFW, and not safe if you are a sensitive type.)

The two Cheeses are still alive, spindly and tiny as they are.
One is slightly bigger than the other, but they are almost finished.
They will just have a couple of grams of bud each.
There are still a couple of white pistils, but most are brown.

The only plants giving me much hope at all are the two Northern Lights regs.
The smaller is maybe 20" = 50cm tall, and just barely showing female sex.
The larger is still about 24" = 61cm tall, with a few pistils going along.
Both fairly strong, a bit of branching.
Their bases have had damage, but it looks like they have healed okay.

As I walked down the mountain, heavy hearted...
I almost stood on a snake. A viper, if I am not mistaken.

Not a happy girl.
Such horrible news. Everything seemed to be chugging along nicely. We need to convince you to come indoors. You can still go on hikes and enjoy nature, with an added bonus of a little nature in your home.