Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

Had a brilliant idea when I woke up this morning!

As I've mentioned, there has been a fair bit of rain lately, which is typically here in this season.
The plants haven't flooded, they're still doing okay.
But I don't think it's optimal at all, and when I check them in the evenings, often leaves are drooping.
(Though not sure if that's too much rain water or just sleep mode.)
I think I've solved the potenial nute leaching problem, but water about the excess water?

So, here's my plan:
I'm using those soft plastic flexible pots, dirt cheap and light.
I've taken some un-used pots, cut down from the top to the base on either side, then cut out the base itself.
I now have two sheets of the soft black plastic, slightly rectangular, narrow width same as pot width, and length slightly longer.
From the long side of the sheet, I cut into the center, and in the middle cut a whole about 1cm ~ 0.5" in diameter.
Kind of a keyhole cut. I will then fit this over the top of the pot, sliding the plant stem base through the slit, fitting on the circular hole.
It should be large enough to cover the whole of the top of the pot, and at two sides at least hang over the edge of the pot.
Also, it has slight curvature, meaning that the rain water will run down off the sides.
Some rain water may get in from the shorter sides.
I can put these pot covers on when the weather forecast is for heavier rains.
But take them off when it's sunnier / drier / less rain.
It may mean that the very moist soil in the pots will be covered, so I'll keep an eye out for any mold or stuff underneath.
Though, it'll still be open on two sides, so there will still be some air flow at least.

I've cut the plastic covers already, but didn't have the time to put them in place.
I get a photo of one when I've got them in place.

What do you think of this plan?
It hit me as soon as I woke up this morning, after visiting wet plants last night.

Love and hugs,
cannabis ninja and innovator!
Hmmm... they're hanging in there, but I won't say "great".
The weather... I kind of sigh every time I look out the window and it's pouring down again...

Pumas? I wish! Or a jaguar! They could be my garden guardians!

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My wife says ,AAAwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute DSCN2286.JPG that's our Inky stinky cat
Last night, discovered that the White Widow was also down, bent at 90 degrees at the base.
Managed to prop her up and do a nice splint job.

They are bent right down, but they still seem healthy, so the flow of juices inside the plants are okay.
Still, I'm pretty worried, and hope that they can recover.

The AK47 is really nice, thickening up every day. About 25" = 63cm tall.
The White Widow is otherwise putting out a lot of side branches, which is nice. About 22" = 56cm tall.
The two Cheeses are still kind of spindling looking, though the aroma is coming on.
Not sure if they'll suddenly go into a flowering growth spurt or not. One has been munched by bugs a big.
The Great White Shark is now at least upright, still chunky looking indica pheno, for sure.
The little Northern Lights also back upright, slowly ticking along.
The larger Northern Lights is now up tall again, and a real beauty, lovely strong specimen.
Can see the real differences between the autos and the photos ---
the auto leaves stay at just 5-pointer or 7-pointer, the Lights has much larger leaves, 7- and 9-pointers.

Fine weather through to late this afternoon, then some pretty bad weather on the way.
Not sure if I should temporarily move them under cover -- place them under some larger / denser trees.
Avoid the issue of rain and wind, especially when their stems are still not good.
More bad news...

So, this evening, now the AK47 and one of the Cheeses are bent in half, and the splints in the Widow failed.
They don't wilt when bent, but it is obviously some serious stress on them.

Then, some serious bad tropical storms hitting tonight all the way through the weekend.
I've moved them all under nearby medium sized trees / shrubs, hoping that will break the wind.
Really don't know how bad it's going to be.

So, if the heavy rains don't get them, it's the tropical winds, or the fact that they're all bent at the stem base.
I really, really, really should have tested that stuff I put on them first.
If the stems were strong and healthy, then the tropical storms far less a problem.

If they survive the storms, but the stems are still so messed up,
I may just leave them bent down as a serious LST, and let them run parallel to the ground,
with lateral branches and top bud growing up sideways.

Still, on the bright side, somehow all seven of them are still alive. For now.

Not a happy ganja girl tonight...
More bad news...

So, this evening, now the AK47 and one of the Cheeses are bent in half, and the splints in the Widow failed.
They don't wilt when bent, but it is obviously some serious stress on them.

Then, some serious bad tropical storms hitting tonight all the way through the weekend.
I've moved them all under nearby medium sized trees / shrubs, hoping that will break the wind.
Really don't know how bad it's going to be.

So, if the heavy rains don't get them, it's the tropical winds, or the fact that they're all bent at the stem base.
I really, really, really should have tested that stuff I put on them first.
If the stems were strong and healthy, then the tropical storms far less a problem.

If they survive the storms, but the stems are still so messed up,
I may just leave them bent down as a serious LST, and let them run parallel to the ground,
with lateral branches and top bud growing up sideways.

Still, on the bright side, somehow all seven of them are still alive. For now.

Not a happy ganja girl tonight...
Our hopes and good whist's for tonight storms . Too late now I know , I would of laid the girls over on their side, for the storm .
have you thought of stakes for the ones with the damaged stems then tie them to it high up the plant??
Our hopes and good whist's for tonight storms . Too late now I know , I would of laid the girls over on their side, for the storm .
have you thought of stakes for the ones with the damaged stems then tie them to it high up the plant??

Hey @i want a green thumb!

After my last post last night, I started to get really worried --
they weren't stake well, and now here's a big tropical storm or two.

So, I suddenly remembered where I could find some nice stakes
that were propping up some otherwise dead or dying orchids.
Some were a bit shorter but very solid steel rod,
some a little bit lighter but longer. I also sourced some lengths of string.

Before midnight, it was up the mountain side again... in a lull in the rain...
I took them all out from under the trees, and staked them very well.
The larger plants got the thicker stakes, and two ties - one up top, one near the base.
The two Cheeses got the lighter stakes, but bent double in an inverted U shape,
so that two ends of the stakes were in the ground, tied well.
I put them all back under the larger trees / bushy areas.

I left feeling much, much better. They are well staked this time.
I also felt that they knew I wasn't giving up on them, so they weren't giving up on me!

The storm really started to hit not long after that. Bursts of wind, and some rain.
They'll get shaken up a bit at least, maybe some leaves and laterals will be damaged.
But, I figure they should survive. These are tough girls.

Once these storms have passed, then I'll bring them out to the open again,
double check the stakes and leave them in place.
Then give them another nutrient feed, moving into the NPK 3-5-4 for the Big Girls,
and half that and half the 15-15-15 for the Little Girls.

Oh yeah, it's an adventure, for sure...............
