Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

The rain eased off last night. Presently a bit cloudy, but some sunlight is shining.
Visited the girls this morning...

Oh, now the larger NL is down... So immediately propped her up.
At least she's showing some girly parts now -- another lady!

An hour later, I finally clicked
-- it's not the rain or the wind that's bending them, it's the stuff I put on the base of the stem!
Aarrgghhh.... scheisse... It's my own damn fault!

I need to get up there are clean that stuff off ASAP.

Meanwhile... the AK47 is budding up very nicely, I must say.
She's starting to get her perfume on, too. She's up to about 60cm = 24" tall, IIRC.
The White Widow Max is also really getting a bit of bud on her, too, and branching well down low.
And the aroma is starting along. Just a bit shorter than the AK47, maybe 50cm = 20" at a guess.
Both of these strains have very large calyxes, I see.

The two Cheeses are doing okay, still relatively spindling looking, but some flowers coming along.
I can now smell the unique flavor, it's really interesting. Quite different from the AK47 and WWM.

For the non-autos, the Great White Shark looks much better today, still not much flowering.
The little Northern Lights also looks better, but still small.
The larger Northern Lights as above, she's a nice strong plant, so hope the stem can hold.

Really want to go up and clean off all that stuff I put on the stem base,
but it's daylight and not at all a good time...
Yes, it definitely seems it was the menthol vaseline type rub I put at the base of the stems...
I really should have done a test run first...
Kind of softened and messed up the softer tissues in the stem, causing weakness.

The two Northern Lights and the Great White Shark all had issues, and are now splinted in place.
I could also feel the same effect on the other plants, but not anywhere near as bad.
I wiped them down, but still don't know how much has been absorbed into the deeper stem tissue.

There was another short but heavy rain pour this afternoon.
Maybe easing for a day or two, but them supposedly back again...
So, I'm figuring that if they survived the heavy gunking with that stuff in very heavy rain,
and it's now been wiped off and they've been splinted,
they should be on the mend and recovering soon.

In the meantime... that AK47 is a little gem, and the WWM is not far behind!
I think that the Cheese strains are just smaller in general
(and the seeds were freebies, so may have been generally weaker or not as good quality).
If the GWS and the NLs can hang in there after this, may be some bonus buds in the end, too.
Hey there Maria the girls are looking great even after the LST. hope the weather doesn't muck you up to much.

Hmmm... they're hanging in there, but I won't say "great".
The weather... I kind of sigh every time I look out the window and it's pouring down again...

Do you see many Pumas running around your grow?, we had a mob here last nite, gave our ABs a fright .

Pumas? I wish! Or a jaguar! They could be my garden guardians!

Yes, it definitely seems it was the menthol vaseline type rub I put at the base of the stems...
I really should have done a test run first...
Kind of softened and messed up the softer tissues in the stem, causing weakness.

The two Northern Lights and the Great White Shark all had issues, and are now splinted in place.
I could also feel the same effect on the other plants, but not anywhere near as bad.
I wiped them down, but still don't know how much has been absorbed into the deeper stem tissue.

There was another short but heavy rain pour this afternoon.
Maybe easing for a day or two, but them supposedly back again...
So, I'm figuring that if they survived the heavy gunking with that stuff in very heavy rain,
and it's now been wiped off and they've been splinted,
they should be on the mend and recovering soon.

In the meantime... that AK47 is a little gem, and the WWM is not far behind!
I think that the Cheese strains are just smaller in general
(and the seeds were freebies, so may have been generally weaker or not as good quality).
If the GWS and the NLs can hang in there after this, may be some bonus buds in the end, too.
Bring us some pic sis!
When i last seen those photoperiods had calmag def how u said and maybe some N as well. can i ask what medium u use or did ya mixed any medium to them?
Best of luck
Bring us some pic sis!
When i last seen those photoperiods had calmag def how u said and maybe some N as well. can i ask what medium u use or did ya mixed any medium to them?
Best of luck

Hey @BudsLover!

Pics... soon ... not so easy under present circumstances. Maybe by the weekend.

Yeah, working on that CaMg issue, esp with the larger NL lady. They others... not much of a prob now.

As for medium... it's mainly just some local potting mix (about 20%), some nice imported (German) potting mix (about 40%),
some coco coir (about 30%) and some perlite (about 10%). Some of the pots have a little bit of local sandy soil plus grain husks (high P and K).
The imported mix and some of the local mix already had a little bit of perlite, but not much.
To be honest, for this type of heavy rain environment, I should go much higher on the perlite.
Of course, then I'd need to provide more nutes and stuff to make up for that.

Will check them later tonight. Hopefully all is well. Weather today has been good on the whole.
Hopefully any of those stem issues have had some time and energy to mend and heal up.
Hey @BudsLover!

Pics... soon ... not so easy under present circumstances. Maybe by the weekend.

Yeah, working on that CaMg issue, esp with the larger NL lady. They others... not much of a prob now.

As for medium... it's mainly just some local potting mix (about 20%), some nice imported (German) potting mix (about 40%),
some coco coir (about 30%) and some perlite (about 10%). Some of the pots have a little bit of local sandy soil plus grain husks (high P and K).
The imported mix and some of the local mix already had a little bit of perlite, but not much.
To be honest, for this type of heavy rain environment, I should go much higher on the perlite.
Of course, then I'd need to provide more nutes and stuff to make up for that.

Will check them later tonight. Hopefully all is well. Weather today has been good on the whole.
Hopefully any of those stem issues have had some time and energy to mend and heal up.
Yeah exactly i wanted to say they need more nutes on this heavy rainy days the rain wash it anyway so u can go stronger when its rainy. Just my 2cents.
Waiting for the pic, keep it up! ;)
Update: Not too bad, but an issue or two.

There has been a little bit of rain, a nice amount, in evening and before dawn.
At dawn I did another spray down with the neem oil, in case the last had been washed off.
And also gave them a feed with the NPK 15-15-15.
They haven't shown any signs of over feeding / fert burn, so I feel okay to up the strength / frequency a little.

Just a couple of shots of the Auto AK47 and the Auto White Widow Max,
going for a silhouette shot to look a little artsy............

Auto AK47 (day 29)
She's about 17" = 45cm tall. Apart from being chewed a bit, more up than sideways.
View attachment 626339

Auto White Widow Max (day 29)
This young lady's around 15.5" = 40cm tall. A bit more branched. No real bug issues.
View attachment 626336

So, hopefully the neem oil will help solve the bug issue.
Though it's mainly just the AK47 that the bugs like, though the NL has had a little bite, too.

Love and hugs,
seems like the bugs pick on one or two and rest aren't bothered, I notice this every season