Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

another idea for the eggshells is put em in a blender if you need them finer,its alot quicker too...

Yeah, that would be my best option. But I don't have a blender!
I may try to source a coffee grinder from a friend.
But the albumin in the shells really kind of stinks.
Don't want to stink up their coffee afterwards!
After the heavy overnight and morning rain, the sun came out.
They are looking just perfect! No signs of any excess water issues, or wind damage.

I think that the prob with the AK47 may have just been from the past.
It definitely looks more like cal prob, but on lower leaves.
I actually noticed it quite a while ago. I think she then moved on.
The middle and upper leaves are just fine.

Big girls - Day 30
AK up to about 48cm, WWM about 42cm. Measured with a tape measure this time.
Lower branches out to about 10cm-14cm in length, after all. Not huge, but something.
Both still working upwards as we can see, no signs of slowing down the vertical growth.

Little girls - Day 24
The larger Great White Shark is looking wonderful - deep green, strong growth, still no flowers (she's a fem).
The big Northern Lights is great too, though still no flowers (she's a reg).
The two Cheeses are doing nicely, one fractionally larger than the other, some side growth, but not much.
If the big girls are any indication, the little girls should start their explosive upward burst soon.
Though... I'm figuring the Auto Cheese as an Indica will tend to stay short.
The GWS and NL are not autos, so am curious as to how they'll go at this point.
They're already almost 1 week outdoors (= 13/11 hr light), so maybe start to show flower over the next week or so.
Here's hoping for the Lights -- boys or girls? I really don't mind --
Girls = more budz! Boys = pollination time! I'd aim to pollinate one smaller (lower) branch per female for all the other plants.
The Sharks are fems, so ladies only, please!

Looks like the neem oil was pretty much washed away, though.
The larger Lights and one other had a few bites from them.
I'm thinking about stashing the neem oil and bottle up on site, easier to use with each visit.
But don't want to leave to much "stuff" lying around, too obvious.
May have to do another night visit, though rain expected again soon...
Late visit last night, geez it's dark out there!
Day 31 (big girls) and Day 25 (little girls)
Figuring about 75 days to harvest, about 1/3 to less than 1/2 way along.
So far so good.

Following my earlier thoughts,

1. spread a bit of slow release NPK 15-15-15 around the base of the plants.
With these rains, I'm afraid of both over watering and also nutrient leaching.
So, dry slow release on the pots, let the rain wash it down to the soil and roots.
Seems like the best solution at this point.
It's week 5 (big girls) and 4 (little girls), so using 15-15-15 for now.
Hopefully that will be enough to last to about week 9 and 8.
I'll then do the same with some flowering NPK 3-5-4 in about week... 7 or 8 maybe.
The flowering nutes break down faster, I have noticed.
That'll last them to the end.

2. spread some menthol vaseline around the base of the stems.
Thanks @The Elvis for this tip.
Haven't seen any slugs or snails on the plants.
But there are many out there. And they are huge... prevention better than cure.

3. sprayed liberally with the neem oil.
I think the earlier sprays worked okay, it was just the heavy rains that washed it off.
So need to go and spray again after each heavy rain / several light rains.

I know you all want pictures, right?
Hopefully more in the next few days...

Love and hugs,
Photo Update!

Two photos per plant, one angled from the top, another straight from the side.
Hopefully that will help everyone (including myself!) line them up for comparison.
Note that the Big Girls are on Day 31, Little Girls on Day 25, so age difference.

Day 31 (Big Girls)

You can see the eggshell mix at the base of these two young ladies.

Auto White Widow Max
20160906 Guerrilla~ (5) Auto White Widow Max.jpg
20160906 Guerrilla~ (6) Auto White Widow Max.jpg

Auto AK47
20160906 Guerrilla~ (7) Auto AK47.jpg
20160906 Guerrilla~ (8) Auto AK47.jpg

Day 25 (Little Girls)

Auto Cheese 1
20160906 Guerrilla~ (11) Auto Cheese 1.jpg
20160906 Guerrilla~ (12) Auto Cheese 1.jpg

Auto Cheese 2
20160906 Guerrilla~ (13) Auto Cheese 2.jpg
20160906 Guerrilla~ (14) Auto Cheese 2.jpg

Great White Shark (fem)
20160906 Guerrilla~ (2) Northern Lights (reg) 1.jpg
20160906 Guerrilla~ (3) Northern Lights (reg) 1.jpg

Northern Lights (reg) 1
20160906 Guerrilla~ (1) Great White Shark (fem).jpg
20160906 Guerrilla~ (4) Great White Shark (fem).jpg

Northern Lights (reg) 2
20160906 Guerrilla~ (9) Northern Lights (reg) 2.jpg
20160906 Guerrilla~ (10) Northern Lights (reg) 2.jpg

You're going to have some great legs from those daily treks up the mountain. Good luck with the bugs. Those are always my nemesis when I grow anything outdoors. I even had to do battle with cutworms on my last grow (indoors). Not sure how they got indoors but it happened around the same time the little buggers were feasting on my tomatoes outdoors.
Photo Update!

Two photos per plant, one angled from the top, another straight from the side.
Hopefully that will help everyone (including myself!) line them up for comparison.
Note that the Big Girls are on Day 31, Little Girls on Day 25, so age difference.

Day 31 (Big Girls)

You can see the eggshell mix at the base of these two young ladies.

Auto White Widow Max
View attachment 627418 View attachment 627419

Auto AK47
View attachment 627420 View attachment 627421

Day 25 (Little Girls)

Auto Cheese 1
View attachment 627424 View attachment 627425

Auto Cheese 2
View attachment 627426 View attachment 627427

Great White Shark (fem)
View attachment 627415 View attachment 627416

Northern Lights (reg) 1
View attachment 627414 View attachment 627417

Northern Lights (reg) 2
View attachment 627422 View attachment 627423


They're really starting to shoot up! Great job!!
Wow your doing a great job!! :cheers:


Thanks, @The Elvis!

You're going to have some great legs from those daily treks up the mountain. Good luck with the bugs. Those are always my nemesis when I grow anything outdoors. I even had to do battle with cutworms on my last grow (indoors). Not sure how they got indoors but it happened around the same time the little buggers were feasting on my tomatoes outdoors.

Hey there, @Duckster!
My legs are already pretty awesome, haha!
Yeah, my indoor grows were often a battle with spider mites.
Though I often had beautiful green and gold praying mantis in my indoor garden.
I named one of my hybrid lines "Golden Mantis" -- long green and gold fronds!

View attachment 627765
They're really starting to shoot up! Great job!!

Thank you @Eyeoftheworld!
Yes, they definitely are. When I started reading about autos, I saw some of the heights were maybe just 30-50cm = 12"-20" or so.
I thought, if that's indoors with excellent lighting and other conditions, are they just going to be a foot tall outdoors under sub-optimal conditions?
Well... at least for some of them, apparently not!

I am concerned about the rain = watering levels.
I think my decision to sprinkle slow release fert around the plant and not water myself was a good one.
An inch or two of rain in a day (or just a couple of hours) is not at all uncommon around here.
Though for now, the sun is kind of out and shining.
So, it's heavy watering and bursts of sunshine for them.
The site is great, though, lots of exposure, from really dawn up to almost dusk.

Thanks everyone!
They're doing wonderful!

Love and hugs,