Late visit last night, geez it's dark out there!
Day 31 (big girls) and Day 25 (little girls)
Figuring about 75 days to harvest, about 1/3 to less than 1/2 way along.
So far so good.
Following my earlier thoughts,
1. spread a bit of slow release NPK 15-15-15 around the base of the plants.
With these rains, I'm afraid of both over watering and also nutrient leaching.
So, dry slow release on the pots, let the rain wash it down to the soil and roots.
Seems like the best solution at this point.
It's week 5 (big girls) and 4 (little girls), so using 15-15-15 for now.
Hopefully that will be enough to last to about week 9 and 8.
I'll then do the same with some flowering NPK 3-5-4 in about week... 7 or 8 maybe.
The flowering nutes break down faster, I have noticed.
That'll last them to the end.
2. spread some menthol vaseline around the base of the stems.
@The Elvis for this tip.
Haven't seen any slugs or snails on the plants.
But there are many out there. And they are huge... prevention better than cure.
3. sprayed liberally with the neem oil.
I think the earlier sprays worked okay, it was just the heavy rains that washed it off.
So need to go and spray again after each heavy rain / several light rains.
I know you all want pictures, right?
Hopefully more in the next few days...
Love and hugs,