Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

Need to get the bug repellent stuff today.
Can buy neem oil online here, but not sure what they have locally.
I figure getting the local remedy may be best -- tried and tested for local conditions.
Will try to give them ALL a good spray down tonight (weather depending).
Then, with the upcoming rain, just leave them be for a few days.
My visits have been too frequent, not good for security.
After the next few rainy days, visit when it's a bit clearer, and maybe do a nute feed.
Depending on their situation, maybe still fairly N heavy to build up their structure at this point.
Once they start slowing down height wise (AK47 and WWM first),
then I'll use my P heavy flowering nutes.
May keep an eye out for some nute supplement that has CaMg and trace elements, too.
The rain hasn't come, but I think it's around the corner. Fairly cloudy, not really any direct sunlight.
May zip out to source the local egg-shell cal-mag solution mentioned a few pages ago.
But Lordy does that stuff stink. Think I'll need some special container to move it.
Constantly looking at about four different weather reporting sources, sites and apps.
They're all wrong. Cloudy. Muggy. Humid. But still no rain. Good, more time to put on a few more inches...

Got my hands on some neem oil -- oh yeah!
And, a bunch of egg shells -- still thinking of the best way to prep 'em, 'cause no grinder.

Had to really restrain myself to go spray them with the neem oil during the day.
Again I await the cover of darkness...

In the meantime, grasshoppers, keep off my girls!
Hola Maria :bighug:

Nice looking Plants do you Grow but why this small Pots? Firswt time i see a Female Grower :pighug:

Hola @Andi ! Thank you!!!!

I'm doing guerrilla outdoors in an area where safety / security is [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] concern.
Largest pots means a lot of heavy lifting in fairly mountainous area.
Too much for skinny Maria! Getting exhausted just checking them...

There are a few other ganja girls here at AFN.

Update: Not too bad, but an issue or two.

There has been a little bit of rain, a nice amount, in evening and before dawn.
At dawn I did another spray down with the neem oil, in case the last had been washed off.
And also gave them a feed with the NPK 15-15-15.
They haven't shown any signs of over feeding / fert burn, so I feel okay to up the strength / frequency a little.

Just a couple of shots of the Auto AK47 and the Auto White Widow Max,
going for a silhouette shot to look a little artsy............

Auto AK47 (day 29)
She's about 17" = 45cm tall. Apart from being chewed a bit, more up than sideways.
20160904 Guerrilla ~ (2) Auto AK47.jpg

Auto White Widow Max (day 29)
This young lady's around 15.5" = 40cm tall. A bit more branched. No real bug issues.
20160904 Guerrilla ~ (3) Auto White Widow Max.jpg

So, hopefully the neem oil will help solve the bug issue.
Though it's mainly just the AK47 that the bugs like, though the NL has had a little bite, too.

Love and hugs,


  • 20160904 Guerrilla ~ (1) Leaf Issue.jpg
    20160904 Guerrilla ~ (1) Leaf Issue.jpg
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Nutrient Issue:

A question for the experts out there. The bottom leaves on the AK47 look like this:
20160904 Guerrilla ~ (1) Leaf Issue.jpg

(Never mind the bug chewed edges, that's another matter....)
It looks like a calcium deficiency to me, and / or perhaps magnesium.
(The color up top is fine, it's on the older leaves, down low.)

I'd always appreciate a second opinion, though. I almost never had this issue doing indoors.
@budelee ? @912GreenSkell ? @The Elvis ?

The soil is some regular potting soil, with about 10%+ coco.
Added some light N fert, slow release organic stuff.
I added a bit of dolomite lime with the soil mix, but not much, really.

So, I'm going to prepare my egg shells today. I don't have a decent grinder.
Think I'll use the steeping method, but will just add the shells on the soil when I use the steeped shell water.
Suggests and comments always appreciated!!

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