Indoor Tropical Outdoor: White Widow Max, AK47, Cheese, Great White Shark, Northern Lights

Sorry to hear the bad news Maria.
I hope the cheeses and NLs will do well and fatten up nicely for you.

Hey there @Smorf!
Thanks for popping by.

I think that the Cheeses don't have much left in them, to be honest.
Maybe I'm wrong. Hope I am!

I'm counting a lot on the Northern Lights - my old fave from the 90s.
As regular photo plants, they have a long way to go.
But, they're strong and healthy, and luckily NL doesn't grow too tall,
so I don't think winds or stuff will hurt it much.
If they've survived this far, should be okay. Though mold may be an issue late on.

Hanging in there...........
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Then today... Still, kind of, barely, alive, somehow... Weird... Tenacity of life...
Totally dying, though, leaves wilting and falling off, but still a little green in the core.

Tomorrow's weather may be a little better, and will wrap up the AK47 and WWM.

As for the Cheeses... yeah, they're pretty much done, just a couple of white pistils, but almost all brown and tiny.

Larger NL starting to fill out her branches and shape, top cola all white and green at the top center. About 26" = 66cm.
Smaller NL also a few more pistils, getting good shape, too. Just like a week or more behind the larger pheno. About 22" = 56cm.
Last night the weather was clear (of course, still pitch black, but clear and pitch black!)
So, up the hill Maria goes, with assorted clippers and scissors, and some big paper bags.

I took down the Auto AK47 and the Auto White Widow Max, just two plants.
I did a very simple process, as it's in the middle of the night, in the bush.
First remove some larger fan leaves (now almost all dead or dying) by hand.
Start from the bottom of the plant, cut down the branches, remove a few more secondary fan leaves.
Up near the top, it's just one longer cola.
All of this goes into the bags. Keeping the AK47 and the WWM in separate bags.

Remove the supporting stick from the pots, and stash it to the side in the bush.
Remove the plant stalk / stem, though because they're rotted near the base, they broke off.
Moved the two pots to a stash location in the bush, nearer the path out.
I hope to later remove the pots out of the bush, leaving no evidence in the future.
Also, depending on the situation, it may be possible to reuse some of this soil.
But, will have to check on that, remove the roots, see the condition of the soil,
work out what kind of flush or sterilization process it may or may not need, etc.

Back to my room, the coast is clear.
Go through the two bags again, doing a finer trim, with lights on this time, can actually see things!
Hard to say, but I'm guessing maybe 5+ grams (about 1/6oz) of fuzzy fluff per plant.

The AK47 does have some crystals and stickiness on her, nice aroma, though not hugely strong.
The WWM had less crystals and calyxes, she was behind the AK, fainter aroma, though very nice.
The AK47 smoke may actually be enough to get high, though the WWM I'm not so confident.

The next morning, my room has that lovely soft ganja drying perfume... delicious!
They are in a nicely aerated place, and fortunately today is drier and warmer. Perfect.
In other interesting news...

Influenced by my basil and mint growing, my housemate has decided she's also going to grow some veges.
I'll spare you the details, but I'm not too sure she actually knows what she's doing,
said she'd grow potatoes in a tray about 4" = 10cm deep! Um, er, had to talk her out of that crazy idea!

The advantage is, now having a bunch of gardening supplies and stuff all around the house looks very normal.
My sweet basil, purple basil, mint and lemon mint, and soon to come hot chili, are providing excellent cover, hehehehe.

This helps my plan for next spring, which I'll trial perhaps over the winter:
-- get a very small indoor LED light and do some (legal) herbs indoors.
Try about 2-4 ft sq = 0.2-0.4 m2. Micro grow style. In a box. Lots of LST / HST.
Waddya thunk?

Love and hugs,
In other interesting news...

Influenced by my basil and mint growing, my housemate has decided she's also going to grow some veges.
I'll spare you the details, but I'm not too sure she actually knows what she's doing,
said she'd grow potatoes in a tray about 4" = 10cm deep! Um, er, had to talk her out of that crazy idea!

The advantage is, now having a bunch of gardening supplies and stuff all around the house looks very normal.
My sweet basil, purple basil, mint and lemon mint, and soon to come hot chili, are providing excellent cover, hehehehe.

This helps my plan for next spring, which I'll trial perhaps over the winter:
-- get a very small indoor LED light and do some (legal) herbs indoors.
Try about 2-4 ft sq = 0.2-0.4 m2. Micro grow style. In a box. Lots of LST / HST.
Waddya thunk?

Love and hugs,
I think it sounds great Maria. Stealth micros are definitely doable.
Growing outdoors very stressful,and nature can't be controlled but nothing beats smoking you're own sun grown dank meds ,happy harvest grounds coming in your future,good luck maria
Great plan! Check out some of @Spanglish grows. He did some very nice grows in a cardboard box using CFL and corn LED lighting. Also used outdoors on his balcony as supplemental lighting when weather permitted.
A visit after quite a nice, fairly sunny day.

Day 44

Northern Lights 1
Barely showing signs of sex (female), starting to put in the long stretch. Now about 22" = 56cm or so (didn't properly measure).
20160925 Guerrilla~ NL 1 (3).jpg
20160925 Guerrilla~ NL 1 (2).jpg

She looks like indoor NL plants that have just had 1 week on 12/12. So may need another 6-7 weeks or even more. Early to mid November... hmmm....

Northern Lights 2
Much further along the way for the flowering, as you can see.
The basic bud structure is now there, today at 27.5" = 70cm (fairly accurate), she may put on another inch, or two or three (2.5cm - 8cm) at a guess.
20160925 Guerrilla~ NL 2 (1).jpg
20160925 Guerrilla~ NL 2 (2).jpg
20160925 Guerrilla~ NL 2 (3).jpg

NL photo plants usually take about 50-60 days on 12/12 to be fully mature (from catalogues and experience) indoors.
She looks the equivalent of about end of week 3 here, so I'm figuring maybe another 30-40 days = 4-6 weeks = late October to early November.

About the flowering situation, it's very interesting that these two Northern Lights plants are so different.
NL is usually a very stable strain. Maybe they are from different breeders, after all, the seeds were freebies.
They look extremely similar, just that 2 is well long compared to 1.
Absolutely no other differences in the growing or treatment, from germination to today.

Regarding the stem base problem, we can see that NL 2 had it as well, just managed to self heal. From two angles:
20160925 Guerrilla~ NL 2 (4).jpg
20160925 Guerrilla~ NL 2 (5).jpg

The white stuff at the base is the egg shells mentioned a couple of weeks back.

Both are a bit bug bitten, but holding their own. Fairly green, too, I'm surprised that their overall nute situation is passable.
Another big tropical storm in a day or two, so will give them some more organic bloom nutes very concentrated and tuck under shelter.
The heavy rains will add the water to dilute it. It worked quite well last time, and they didn't get nute burn at all. (Wouldn't try this with chem nutes...)

Auto Cheese root
Removing the stem and root ball from the bigger Cheese:
20160925 Guerrilla~ Cheese root.jpg

Love and hugs,


  • 20160925 Guerrilla~ NL 1 (1).jpg
    20160925 Guerrilla~ NL 1 (1).jpg
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