Mephisto Genetics Toof Decay In A Small Tent 3 Gal Airpot General Hydroponics Nutes

It's super fascinating how much abuse this plant has taken yet she keeps on trucking.
Agreed, this is why mephisto is a staple and will remain so. We are showing how resilient toof decay is. Hope it stays in the line up permately. Very strong and very good. Imagine in a proper environment she would really pack on major weight and do amazing in dwc. She might actually be ready by day 64 or 65 because she's already starting to get some cloudy trichs and our theory is the max amount of cannabinoids and terpines are met when it is all cloudy trichs with only one or two clear trichs. Amber isn't what we want. Not fans of cbn and it's effects. We want the full perfectly harvested experience.
R u using tap water? If so what is the PPM of your water and also what PPM are the nutes you are giving her? Looks like you might have salt buildup and she could maybe use a bit of a flush? I just installed a RO filter recently and its helped me a lot.
R u using tap water? If so what is the PPM of your water and also what PPM are the nutes you are giving her? Looks like you might have salt buildup and she could maybe use a bit of a flush? I just installed a RO filter recently and its helped me a lot.
Using well water, haven't worried about ipm but it's probable there is build up. This grow is honestly not being attended to like it could. But it's also a trial and error grow for the one of us so you let it go the way so it can be a learning experience
Day 55 and going strong


Bud shot
I didn't read your whole post but I looked at the pictures. Looks like you're over on nutes, the plant doesn't like the amount of light that it's getting and it appears you are specifically over on nitrogen. There is also the possibility that you are over watering but that may not be true depending on other factors.
I didn't read your whole post but I looked at the pictures. Looks like you're over on nutes, the plant doesn't like the amount of light that it's getting and it appears you are specifically over on nitrogen. There is also the possibility that you are over watering but that may not be true depending on other factors.
can't get the light higher small tent, cut out the nitrogen a litttlewhile back, it gets bone dry before watering. Just had a bad life and not too much can be done at this point chop is a week from today or she wine get attention at all for a week and she'll die anyway. Shea also had a lot of very hardcore lst causing problems. Appreciate your feed back thank you!
Not sure where you are in the life cycle because I'm new to autos but depending on where you are you could try watering in lactobacillus with just plain water to convert excess nutes to humic.

I really don't believe in flushing because along with stripping your soil of everything it also compacts your soil.

Good luck doesn't looks decent like it will do well.

Not sure where you are in the life cycle because I'm new to autos but depending on where you are you could try watering in lactobacillus with just plain water to convert excess nutes to humic.

I really don't believe in flushing because along with stripping your soil of everything it also compacts your soil.

Good luck doesn't looks decent like it will do well.

We are in the last week of this autos life cycle so at this point it's about getting it finished and trichs cloudy so not too much can be done. We don't flush and don't subscribe to that notion either. Our next grow we will try using gbd super soil see how that compares to what we have obtained with bottled nutrients. Will have to try some other things next grow. Since we messed up the nutrients and trained too late it appears to have affected the plant itself. Space is a big issue. Other than that we think we will get what we wanted from it. A quick run and some quality bud are coming our way by the looks of the trichs. Feel free to tag along for the last week of its life and see how she fares. We're confident in mephisto genetics that it will turn out great.