Mephisto Genetics Toof Decay In A Small Tent 3 Gal Airpot General Hydroponics Nutes

Day 42. Is it common for jute burn to exhibit itself mainly where the lights concentrated power is because it's got this odd rectangular shape to it that matches the light.


Day 45
Definitely nutrient deficiency. Added more nitrogen.

hey couple growers just stumbled across this thread and your right nut burn is showing itself by the burnt tips also i havnt seen your plant in natural light but i would assume its very dark green but this isnt the cause of the burning/stress in the center of your plant this is from your light being too close and burning your plant back it up some and you shoulnt get this problem again :pass:

just looked back over the thread and see that you cannot raise the light in that case next time start training early on maybe a topping at the 4th node then lst the stems to the outside of the pot :smoking:
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hey couple growers just stumbled across this thread and your right nut burn is showing itself by the burnt tips also i havnt seen your plant in natural light but i would assume its very dark green but this isnt the cause of the burning/stress in the center of your plant this is from your light being too close and burning your plant back it up some and you shoulnt get this problem again :pass:

just looked back over the thread and see that you cannot raise the light in that case next time start training early on maybe a topping at the 4th node then lst the stems to the outside of the pot :smoking:
You are 100% correct on all of it. We thought it could be the light on the center parts. The parts not burnt are dark green, but it had no nitrogen in it's feedings so we went with some of the flora trio for yesterdays feeding so it gets the needed nitrogen. Our plan. Is to do some major lst next plant. Something smaller hopefully. Thinking our last grape crinkle will be the strain. Haven't done that since they first came out.
Day 47. Hoping it's less than 20 days away. Not sure if it will be or not. But we can hope

Whole tent


Some close ups with the leaves yellowing. Definitely too close to the light and nute deficiency in some places and nute burn in others.



Day 48, did more training and removed some of the dead leaves. Helga's house of pain is a frequent stop for this one:fire:
Whole plant lights off

Couple of closeups

Day 49. She's most assuredly got some major burn going on. Can't do much about it though. She'll make it just fine to the finish line. She's beginning to swell a bit. The next few weeks will be the fun part!

