Indoor Nuglet is back - grow 6 Mephisto Toof Decay. Autopots & Bio Tabs

I'd go the same way Jay advised :thumbsup:
Funny, when I start a grow I'm like... no way will those 4 pots fill this tent... then pre flowers hit and it's like... Holy crap where's the floor gone?

Totally - & I thought I was in for a smaller strain!

I’ve done a bit of tucking, week 5 booster feed and boom boomed so will have a look at defol next - getting in amongst em will be the next challenge!
Happy whatever day it is guys!

So did a bit of thinning out not that’d you notice...

Half a grocery bags worth from bottom/mid level - will give them a rest and do some more in a few days.

Think there’s a bit of deficiency going on back left and potentially right so have pulled the Silicium Flash off the shelf and have done the surface treatment they describe - small hole near stem and sprinkle 25g - water in and done. Have applied to back 2.

Runt is starting to show promise at last as well - slow n steady...

Will probably look at adding PK into the mix next....6 weeks come Monday - flown by all things considering :cool: Need to read up and check but sure I saw that you need to shut pots down for 24hrs before hand and then turn back on 24hrs later - so will hand water runt if that's the case.

Hope you are well dudes.

Hi @Sensi Jay @Chronic_ passion - how you guys doing?

Sorry for radio silence - one of the kids was ill didn't kno/ still dont know if it was Covid - but none of us have been affected so presuming not!

We're at week 8, haven't been able to give them the attention I should of due the aforementioned - but they've done alright on their own.

Have given all of them a 5ml then this week a 10 ml PK dose apart from the runt (no longer) - there's a lot of yellow and I've removed a lot of pale leaves - kind of late fall looking ones.

Noticed soil is pretty wet - wondered if I should be shutting them off a bit more?

But think the culprit for most is heat/light stress - its been proper hot and fans have been on full tilt so following VPD has gone out of the window - about 35-40% is best I can get now - but still at least we're into flower - as you can see!

Buds seem a bit small but then again I'm trying to remember way back when on my last grow and where they were at this stage in the timeline - on paper think I've got 2 more weeks according to Mephisto - we'll see.

Runt has taken off and gone from beast to beauty!

So any thoughts welcome guys, should I be doing bit more aggressive defol now days think on the main 3?

Runt cantata centre stage when there done!

Sorry for crappy pics - my new phone has packed up, can't be going splashing out on a new one at the mo with no work n all so need to dig my regular camera out which I haven't used - rely too much on these phones. It's made them look a bit browner and yellower than they actually are - a bit!

Hope you're well.
Hi Nugs mate, they looking good dude! Have u had a look at the trichomes under a scope yet? Hard to tell if done or not looks like they could go a bit longer if u like.

I'd defo some of the larger fans, gonna do v little harm at this late stage.

Rough news about covid, u never know if u have or not without the test as can affect all. I'm convinced I had it, had all symptoms but not extreme, but felt breathless. All good now but lasted best part of 4 weeks, both got it off our 3 year old, and both of us got I'll at the same time, can't even remember being so in sync with being ill, it's v contagious.
Hi Nugs mate, they looking good dude! Have u had a look at the trichomes under a scope yet? Hard to tell if done or not looks like they could go a bit longer if u like.

I'd defo some of the larger fans, gonna do v little harm at this late stage.

Rough news about covid, u never know if u have or not without the test as can affect all. I'm convinced I had it, had all symptoms but not extreme, but felt breathless. All good now but lasted best part of 4 weeks, both got it off our 3 year old, and both of us got I'll at the same time, can't even remember being so in sync with being ill, it's v contagious.

Hey Sensi! yeah it was weird one - he was ill for about 3 weeks but the rest of haven't had a symptom..but keeping a close eye on us all.

Took a small sample today and they're milky on the very top highest cola (that girl that took off at the beginning)- will do some spot checks a bit further down - was hoping for a bit more amber.

Wha do you think about the yellow & pale leaves? (taking them off as I find them) too much water or just end of life behaviour? - previous grows on nuclear nutes never did that - they did plenty of weird shit tho - but guess the tabs are more of a lean as nature intended feed rather than shooting them up with all the bottled stuff!

They do look kinda small to me - but then again last grow made hulk level mutants!

It's been really hot as well day time I struggle to get it down below 85 or so - RH VPD plan has been chucked in the bin!

Was going to do a 24 hr water off before adding next round of PK.

Great to hear from you tho dude.
My TD was a short one but attacked on the colas.

I also noticed a lot more yellowing with the biotabs. I think it's the plant showing signs of the end. My preference is also about 20-30% Amber tricks.
Doing a great job there
My TD was a short one but attacked on the colas.

I also noticed a lot more yellowing with the biotabs. I think it's the plant showing signs of the end. My preference is also about 20-30% Amber tricks.
Doing a great job there
Thanks Chronic & thats good to hear - yeah I'm hoping to get there or there abouts on tricks as well - will keep checkin!
Few better pics for ya reckon in 1-2 weeks I’ll be stage harvesting. Tricks are mostly cloudy few clear present lower down. Will stop pk for back 2 and give it to front 2 who are week and 2 plus..forgot weeks for runt - runt no more! she’s looking text book and the size I was expecting - it’s all gone a bit Cinderella in this tent!

have struggled with temps but they seem to be coping - plenty of fresh air going thru and fans on full speed.

I can match vpd at night but day forget it lucky if I get 45%rh.

temp is between 80 at night 84 day - have got 1 lamp on 18:6 to ad hoc manage heat a bit. On over the back girls as figured they could take the light hit at their milky trick stage.

Hope alls well dudes




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Hey Sensi! yeah it was weird one - he was ill for about 3 weeks but the rest of haven't had a symptom..but keeping a close eye on us all.

Took a small sample today and they're milky on the very top highest cola (that girl that took off at the beginning)- will do some spot checks a bit further down - was hoping for a bit more amber.

Wha do you think about the yellow & pale leaves? (taking them off as I find them) too much water or just end of life behaviour? - previous grows on nuclear nutes never did that - they did plenty of weird shit tho - but guess the tabs are more of a lean as nature intended feed rather than shooting them up with all the bottled stuff!

They do look kinda small to me - but then again last grow made hulk level mutants!

It's been really hot as well day time I struggle to get it down below 85 or so - RH VPD plan has been chucked in the bin!

Was going to do a 24 hr water off before adding next round of PK.

Great to hear from you tho dude.

Hi Nugs, sorry not got back sooner my notifications must be on the blink. Yeah get that pk going if concerned as either way they're at the right stage for it. I found there is defo some fade with the tabs. Think they got just enough to take girls to the end, by supplementing you're doing the right thing.

Take off the yellow leaves. Last thing you want is dead leaves going moldy on the buds!