Indoor Nuglet is back - grow 6 Mephisto Toof Decay. Autopots & Bio Tabs

Looking awesome! Told you they'd explode as soon as they got on the res...
I've put her on a bucket to get the height up & match her neighbour
You mentioned you raised the runt onto a bucket. Just remember it's a gravity fed system. If 1 tray is higher than the rest it might back fill the others and not take on any water itself. I'd check tonight/ in the morning to see if she's dry and put her back down if she is.
All seeds popped at different times - the lil fella was almost a week later than the big fella top right.
So it will be behind slightly.

Otherwise you're doing great :headbang:
You sure did dude!

yeah main water feeder tank is about 1 ft higher than the pot tray but will check for sure like you say, more of a square bucket you’d get in a sink rather than a proper one so I guess 4 inches or so - if I keep her on the deck she’ll be a way from light a bit much I thought (2.5 ftish) as I’ve raised up now for the girl next to her - that was my thunkin.
Wouldn't worry about the difference in height much. I've had a few grows now where one or two have been shorter but still yielded the same and/or caught up in height.
Doing a great job
How do u feel about giving them a defol?

Really need the humidity to drop below 60% unless you've got good air movement, I got some b rot when my tent was crowded without enough air movement.
How do u feel about giving them a defol?

Really need the humidity to drop below 60% unless you've got good air movement, I got some b rot when my tent was crowded without enough air movement.
I was planning on more eu natural thru into flower & then hitting them with a defol twds end for the big push but guys honest I'll take best advice any time & experience over my ideals! - it's bang on with the VPD chart which says to be at about 66% at current temp. 2 fans blowing at each above canopy from opp corners. I can drop RH easy tho as its all man made - without humidifier - mid 40s no sweat.
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You're doing great. RH only needs dropping in a few weeks once you've got flowers forming. 2 fans is still more than enough to continue at high RH anyway.
If you can stick to the VPD chart then you're golden.
Defol is a personal thing. In my experience I produce more by leaving them until mid flower. Let those dollar panels do all the work. Just my experience though. I found leaf tucking was good for getting those lower branches up though.
Good thinking both, agree only an issue late in bloom when you got some fat buds.
Thanks guys really appreciate your support
Hi dudes, back for another update - its getting jungly in there! The runt is starting to show signs of movement but still very behind. Got a few leaf issues coming on with the big girl - am due to give the 5 week orgatrex/bactrex combo - maybe that'll help but think a lot of it is heat/light issues..I think!..Will also give a hit up of boom boom.

So with all that leaf @Sensi Jay @Chronic_ passion - is it time for a defol? Any hints and tips what to attack?

Looking good nuglet, I'd say the clawing is due to light intensity, not a big issue they should adapt to it in time. Check my grow out in my sig they all started out doing that but were praying to the light in a few weeks. Picture of health otherwise.

For defol I'd go for anything with a stem, so remove some of the bigger fan leaves to give the flowers further down a chance. Also worth stripping away bud sites at the base of the plant as these will go leafy and larfy, better for the energy to go in the top buds.