Mephisto Genetics Toof Decay In A Small Tent 3 Gal Airpot General Hydroponics Nutes

Any chance of pics without the blurple lights? The plant looks great but I can’t see the colors she is putting out with that light.
Sure, in a bit some will be out up. Her leaf tips are a but burnt from over doing the nutrients. But that should be fixed we lowered the total amount of nutrients given.
budding up nicely,looking good.
Thanks! Always appreciate you following our grows. Hoping for a nice yield. 50g would be wonderful but we would settle for a good 40. 60 would be outstanding for us.
I am not sure if you are feeding liquid or powder kool Bloom. I warned you a couple days ago that it is strong.
I am not sure if you are feeding liquid or powder kool Bloom. I warned you a couple days ago that it is strong.
Liquid. And yes it is strong . Not a big deal to us, dialing it back though. won't be the end of the world with a bit of burn.

Here's lights off




Just do yourself a favor, and keep close eye with lights off when using Kool Bloom. Some strains can take more than others. My Cheesequake is sensitive to it. I used the powder instead and only a few times, not daily.good luck!
Aren’t the powder and liquid to be used at different times of the grow? I recall reading that one of them if for the beginning of flower while the other is for the end
Just do yourself a favor, and keep close eye with lights off when using Kool Bloom. Some strains can take more than others. My Cheesequake is sensitive to it. I used the powder instead and only a few times, not daily.good luck!
Thanks for the heads up. We moved to water only for a little while here as it doesn't seem to need any nutrients right now. We will use the powder at the end.
Aren’t the powder and liquid to be used at different times of the grow? I recall reading that one of them if for the beginning of flower while the other is for the end
Yep, as was replies to before we could... liquid to start powder to finish.

Pics shortly. Thanks everyone, keep the comments coming.
Day 40, she's coming along nicely but we definitely used way too much koolbloom and burnt her a lot. Should still be able to produce well but she's more sensitive to bites this time around than other grows. Doing water only for a little while to see if she'll bounce back or not. Otherwise in a few days we will do just flora trio grow will be solely had supersoil so it doesn't happen.



