Indoor The wilma grows

Holy shit!

Where'd you get your tent? Billy Smarts?!
lol its a 7ft tent, heres that cheese I was talking about
@Itisi yea i only stick them in an inch or so. Never get algea problems but i put that down to using drip clean by house and garden, its a great product
I'll have to look that up.

I think I'm guilty of using my old methods to readily.

I used to keep the drip constant back in rock wool, I found when it dried out (if on a timer), I'd get salt build up and lock out. Hence my 15 min turn around timing.

I may consider having the emitters higher in future, it must airiate the solution, improving nutes uptake, drones on endlessly..........
@Itisi i really cant reccomend drip clean high enough. Its pricey at about 40 quid a litre but you only use 1ml per 10 litres of water.
Before i got it i had slimy residue on the res tank and had to clean it between res changes but now its all clear