Indoor The wilma grows

I've had a few questions and pm's recently about this set up, so thought I would take a few snaps while I was doing a res change.
some people don't give a shit and some already know but its just a big res tank and a lid with holes that the pots sit on, theres a submerged pump that recirculates the res water.
heres the 50 litre res tank

and the lid

stick an airstone or two in

ph the res

and stick the pump in, pots on and drippers stuck in

Ha. I'm not the only one who misses 5.8 everytime!

Do you know I just rinse mine between res changes, I don't run the air stones and have very little algae or slime issues.

And I'd offer another name for type of system if you use flood emitters and clay peeples it's more nft?

Well done with the explenation, I would have been like "here's a picture,see hoe it works?"

Anyway, just finished a ghoster a feel I may be rambling!

Good night

@Itisi yea bit too much ph down, but its sitting at 5.9 this morning.
Do you ever run a silicon suppliment? Im giving it a go at the minute
No. I was thinking about it, read it helps them handle more light when running led. But then I found out cana nutes already had it in.

All I run its cana, I used it 20 years ago (obviously it's a new bottle lol). I think I had some minor micro issues last grow. But that was my fault. Topping up the system with full strength nutes, think it locked out. Bad habit from the days of running a drip to waste system. Once they start needing to be topped up regularly I'll only go half strength.
