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lol, let's stay on point gents.
I do all sorts of stuff with my ABV (already been vaped) - most of it involves me smoking it again. Sometimes I eat it... raw or cooked (I mean, it's already toasted, but you know I can saute or put it in milk and simmer that for 30 mins or so). Point is there's still plenty of useful cannabinoids and other vitamins (can I call thc a vitamin? i think so...) in the vaped stuff.
Im pretty sure the compound THC need to be heated for the physco-active element of the molucules to take affect. I once googled if I could put my weed in a sandwich and eat it to get high when I had no tobacco, papers, lighter...just buds.
After searching online it was clear heat HAS to be involved to get a high, anything RAW is just a waste, unless you like the taste

but then again I guess as it has been heated, its almost the same as if you baked it...so perhaps it AVB does has some effect raw as its psychoactive element has been actived...either way Im saving mine, when i harvest I will use it with all my trimmings to make some or of hash or edibles (Y) canna butter, canna milk, baking etc sounds like a good plan to me!
Don't think Ill ever be in a situation where I am without bud and with ABV but I could try smoke it if it came to that.
Maybe some home made meat balls or burgers with an extra special herb added
Mmmmmmmmmm anyone eles hungry...
Value for money, I personally think the RRP of the volcano is over priced, but the costs of manufacture costs, R&D, PR, international business, brand name bragging rights, it does all total up...its like buying the latest model car, flagship smart phone, or buying designer 100% cotton shirt, when you can get a 100% cotton shirt from Primark for 10% of the price.
They both will both get your from A to B, make phone calls, and look good etc
They you take a hit from a standard priced stablished vape or a Volcano, they will both get you high.
If you wana look like bertie big bollox and you have £££ to throw around go ahead and get a volcano. If your on a budget, one of the lower priced ones will serve you just as well but be sure to ensure its from a reputable reviewed brand. I only got a volcano as a friend who had not used it often offered me a price I would be silly to refuse.
Time for a bag after that essay jeeze...!
Play safe,