Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

Hey all your Outdoor Amigrows!

I'm going to be joining this Outdoor Grow Battle comp very soon.
I have the okay from the mods in charge.
I started some outdoor plants months ago, all documented here on AFN (check my sig line, La Buena Hierba guerilla grow).
I just have to get out with a (very late) Battle Code.
Have it written up, just not easy to get to the site and photograph during the day.

But I'd like to slap down a couple of pics from a week ago, first is Thai Gold photo, second is Jack Herer auto, both from La Buena Hierba:
:bighug: SM luv, welcome to the scrum! No worries on the code card, we know you're legit and there are special rules for you guerilla growers too....
it's great to have some LBH in the Comp for a change, and I hope next year we have lots- *(wink nudge)*.... I'm dying to see what fem's make the cut for release!
Hey Waira, THanks mate i noticed the milk was not doing much. She will have no fans left, lol she is plasted badly no wonder the poor girl wilted a bit. She is pretty big for an auto also, so worth saving, be an okay yield i would expect. That sounds like something to get hold of, the OPtic Foliar ATAK. I thought of a diy bubbler to aerate the water and nuts. Yes not the best Amnesia , or she missed too much on her good genes. Thanks mate, Gang is having some issues and some new additions also to follow up. see where i can get Pbcarb from, meantime i got at the supermarket 3% hydro peroxide and bathed her in it, includ spraying the soil layer
I don't know how well distributed OF products are down under mate, and not cheap either... I've been blessed with not having PM issues, just the fucking botrytis! (I may have a secret weapon against this coming in the mail soon, a bio-agent :amazon:).... ATAK is a Cu based fungicide, but the Transport is the hammer that brings it deeper into the tissues... I use both to quash the bot's after cutting out the infected bud, this stops it dead unless it's made it into the vascular system, then it's out of one's hands :cuss:.... Anyway, I hope next year maybe some of these biological control agents can be had for you folks in Aussieland? I'm not sure if they are cleared for use there and available?... and effective! I found Actinovate and Armory to be of dubious value... This new one works similarly to RotBlock, rather than "eat" the bot's, they out-compete it for space/resources on the surface... Nothing is a panacea, but I hope to see it reduce the occurrances!
update man oh man this gal is gonna be a good one
:headbang: she's rolling phat now Dabber! Nice training job too,... :thumbsup:
Update.....days still around 22/25c but nights are just above freezing around 1/2c. all going well still, bumped up the nutes to 3/4 strength and gave them their first dose of cool bloom :thumbsup:....still foliar feeding with optic foliar every 3rd day. Man that stuff is amazing, usually with cold nights I run into some cal and p uptake issues but no issues at all yet
damn TGB, it's still that cool huh,... yes indeedy, that kind of cold will TARFU nutrient transport every time, especially if the day temps don't get high enough to warm the pots/root zone up long enough,... OverGrow/OF is the real deal! It's the Transport that's the key mate, dragging those goodies inside to the machine directly! I had forgotten you had this, I was just telling @smokeyfromau I wasn't sure if OF is available down there,... Did you get yours as part of the test kit?

Now then grofo's. Been a while since my last official update so here we go. @Waira. not sure what week were on at the moment though but I know we're getting up there now lol. Gave them another capful of guano each about a week ago now. Fed with some seaweed & molasses. I've barley watered these this year as natures done it for me. Seems we might be in for some sun this coming week which is a bonus as it's been overcast for a while here now.
Some pics anyways......none of critical though. She's a no go lol.
:greenthumb:they look good to me Q', considering the shite weather! Growth looks like they are in a high gravity environment, effective training- :rofl: ...fingers crossed for the Sun to show strong during bloom, that's when it matters most...
update 31drew31 7/17
Finally getting some nice warm and sunny weather, plants are loving it.

Day 57 for these girls.
Hubbabubbahaze (comp plant), Ripleys OG (comp plant), Chemdogging, Mango Smile x2 (Left to Right)



Ripleys OG

Ripleys OG

and heres my second set on day 35. Didnt stunt these guys except the mango smile. Gotta try that again with a milder medium.
These have been outdoor since about day 14. (Left to Right) Mango Smile, Samsquantch OG, Canna Cheese x2, Sour Stomper, Pink Panama
What do you use?
Cotton seed, alfalfa seed ,worm castings, volcanic glacier dust ,sea bird guano I mean I could go on forever I have top dressed with tons of things castings an manure of vegetarian animals works great .
You can top dress like DJ suggest and that's a great way...or... you can make a very strong tea and use it like an concentrated and just add a little bit of water to it and plant it'll react quicker cuz nutrients already broke down when you made it into a tea. And the microbes can use it right away..
A tea like this it doesn't take much. A little will go a long way...
A good strong batch and away you go.... :pass:
You can top dress like DJ suggest and that's a great way...or... you can make a very strong tea and use it like an concentrated and just add a little bit of water to it and plant it'll react quicker cuz nutrients already broke down when you made it into a tea. And the microbes can use it right away..
A tea like this it doesn't take much. A little will go a long way...
A good strong batch and away you go.... :pass:
Thanks @dankstyle J , @Growtogrow ! I’ll be looking into that! Teas and topdresses! Sounds like a quaint shop in
update Waira 7/17
and heres my second set on day 35. Didnt stunt these guys except the mango smile. Gotta try that again with a milder medium.
These have been outdoor since about day 14. (Left to Right) Mango Smile, Samsquantch OG, Canna Cheese x2, Sour Stomper, Pink Panama
:woohoo1: all those ladiezz sunning on the deck,... nice! :hump: .... HBHz is a looker man, and her smoke is wonderful,... a bit o' mine -->

>>>>> update Waira <<<<<

These girls are on cruise control! So little fuss and bother, I almost feel guilty! All but younger Strawberry Amnesia have shown sex earlier this week...
Most got more LST and tune-up's, some lower node stripping, more to come still,... Pineapple is a notably different looking plant, especially from her sister at a friends place,... so much so I'm very tempted to contact @Seedstockers_Mischa and send pics in to see what the heck is the deal here- :biggrin: Not complaining about the plant at all, I really like her unusual looks, and best of all, not a bit of training needed, she has shaped all on her own! Her sister looks more like a stretched version of the F99 x BLR...
-- * all pics taken with flash to fill shadows out....

>>> F99 x Black Lime Reserve

>>> Pineapple

>>> Red Mandarine F1FV ... she smells citrusy delish' even from stem rubs...