Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

Hey all your Outdoor Amigrows!

I'm going to be joining this Outdoor Grow Battle comp very soon.
I have the okay from the mods in charge.
I started some outdoor plants months ago, all documented here on AFN (check my sig line, La Buena Hierba guerilla grow).
I just have to get out with a (very late) Battle Code.
Have it written up, just not easy to get to the site and photograph during the day.

But I'd like to slap down a couple of pics from a week ago, first is Thai Gold photo, second is Jack Herer auto, both from La Buena Hierba:

20200709 LBH Selection (3).jpg

20200709 LBH Selection (1).jpg

The Thai Gold is about 4 weeks older, taking her time.
The Jack is also taking her time for an auto, but is healthier green.
Welcome! :bighug::smoking:
:d5: @Growtogrow -- dude, I want to camp in your cage! :rofl: Do you provide "room" service? ....I see all of the Comp girls are making some meaty hashbats, but the BC takes the prize there! Monster calyxes too- :drool: ... Maui is still my fancy though,...:biggrin:
Just out of curiosity, what are all those dried flower looking bits I see scattered around, do you have an obnoxious tree shedding them?

That's one chunky chick Jean-O :kiss: - does she have lemon aroma?

@Kyote :greenthumb: girls are loving the better weather, clearly!

:vibe: wow, it a jungle in there! For sure, that lean fingered Thai looking gal has my eye.... Hecno grew a Laotian cross that looked very similar,... I love that look, nothing like it! Send a pic to ACE, maybe they can ID it,... it's early yet, but have to started scoping for sexing yet?
We'll keep fingeres crossed mate, maybe (likely) at least one of them will finish in time,... we can probably offer a little extra finish time if it's that close....
Thanks man :bighug: :pass:
Yeah there whatever it's falling off the tree next door to me. I can't do anything about it. I cut all the branches that overhang my property and everything... but just need to cut the whole damn tree down... I can't do that it's not mine....
But it all come off in the hydrogen peroxide wash and they shake off too... but yeah I've had that problem since I've been growing here......

But good news ... I'm moving North to do my growing...
Next year operation will be in a whole new latitude... But still keeping this place...but I'm not going to grow here. I'm going to fix this house up for sale in the next couple of years or 3... it just depends on how long my lady wants to keep working here in this town . As she is about to lose one of her eyes and there's nothing they can do about it and then she'll be I guess semi disabled or something to that effect... I don't know.... but anyways going to let this place go......

I'm shopping right now for property.....and unfortunately my check hasn't landed yet... So had a couple of REALLY really nice pieces of property slip through my greedy little fingers recently... Ugh... So f@$@& pissed about that Sh$t.... So I quit looking as of yesterday cuz I'm just getting frustrated watching these really great deals go by... And By...ugh..
Hey all your Outdoor Amigrows!

I'm going to be joining this Outdoor Grow Battle comp very soon.
I have the okay from the mods in charge.
I started some outdoor plants months ago, all documented here on AFN (check my sig line, La Buena Hierba guerilla grow).
I just have to get out with a (very late) Battle Code.
Have it written up, just not easy to get to the site and photograph during the day.

But I'd like to slap down a couple of pics from a week ago, first is Thai Gold photo, second is Jack Herer auto, both from La Buena Hierba:

20200709 LBH Selection (3).jpg

20200709 LBH Selection (1).jpg

The Thai Gold is about 4 weeks older, taking her time.
The Jack is also taking her time for an auto, but is healthier green.
Hey little sister.. I ain't got no problem with you coming in :bighug::pass:
Those are some nice looking plants. More the merrier I say:headbang::welcome::smokeout:
update TGB 7/16
Update.....days still around 22/25c but nights are just above freezing around 1/2c. all going well still, bumped up the nutes to 3/4 strength and gave them their first dose of cool bloom :thumbsup:....still foliar feeding with optic foliar every 3rd day. Man that stuff is amazing, usually with cold nights I run into some cal and p uptake issues but no issues at all yet:woohoo:
Charlottes Angel

Em dog

update Quentin 7/16
Now then grofo's. Been a while since my last official update so here we go. @Waira. not sure what week were on at the moment though but I know we're getting up there now lol. Gave them another capful of guano each about a week ago now. Fed with some seaweed & molasses. I've barley watered these this year as natures done it for me. Seems we might be in for some sun this coming week which is a bonus as it's been overcast for a while here now.
Some pics anyways......none of critical though. She's a no go lol.


^daquari lime

^non comp ultimates, #2 is doing real well. #3 looks the part, a little smaller but the buds are laughable. Barley as thick as a pencil and airy.....back of GH is SHIT!!! lol

^non comp daiquiri lime. A couple of weeks younger than the rest but I'd say shes looking the best so far.

Cheers guys
Happy growing
:vibes: :goodluck: