Outdoor The never ending story

hey baked, I start my season in late winter with a window grow. Southside cabin window, enclosed, with 25w led grow, and or, 55w Autocob. this grow is mainly a nursery for the greenhouse and fully outdoor plants. I grow a couple of 1/2 gallon girls ahead of and along with the nursery starts. Gets soil under me fingernails!, an early harvest!, and extends my growing to 5 months!
Both of you have, vastly different no doubt, kinda extreme environmental factors to deal with.
I am thankful that im able to grow indoors and all year, which is the plan of attack lol. And even then theres still a billion things to think about and watch out for and such.
Kudos to all yall outdoor growers, dealing with actual mother nature and junk lol.
Imma keep trying to recreate that inside a tiny lil tent in a nice cool room lol
Both of you have, vastly different no doubt, kinda extreme environmental factors to deal with.
I am thankful that im able to grow indoors and all year, which is the plan of attack lol. And even then theres still a billion things to think about and watch out for and such.
Kudos to all yall outdoor growers, dealing with actual mother nature and junk lol.
Imma keep trying to recreate that inside a tiny lil tent in a nice cool room lol
I'm sure you will perfect your grow techniques. Growing continuously you learning continuously!
Hey Mate !! :d5: Strawberry Fusion Looks beautiful. Trying Coco this time bud? I am trying the Searles Organic Soil, in hope it will be good. I got suppliments from Easy As Organics, Myc fungi, neem meal and kelp for the guerilla grow, maybe home also. The birds, as the least of the trouble here, its Kangaroos, but so far lucky with birds, but seen the white cockatoos about , they are noisy buggers :coffee2:. I wonder if Neem oil would knock the pillers. Winter wasnt the best for me either bud in terms of yield and I think it was due to the gnats , maybe climate or othier factors
strawberry fusion
Hey mate, just trying one pot with coco at the moment and see how it goes :smoking: I use a BT product for the pillers, it's safe to use in flower and doesn't seem to taint the final product :thumbsup:

Nice looking plants man

Love the plant . x it with Cream Cookies and ya get this . :biggrin: :thumbsup:
Thanks guys, I'm really liking the purple. It will be nice to have a bit of color in jars for a change :thumbsup:
pictures of health!

that's cool, us outdoor types are used to windy pics

dude!, looking sweet


the golden glow, this shit has got to feel good!

oh yeah, 6 in da jar!:pass:

Thanks for the like bomb and stopping by mate :d5:.....the days are getting longer and warmer now so hopefully bigger plants to come in the near future. If I can pull half the haul you did this year I'm gonna be a happy man :pass:
Heya i got a question for yas trail, and greeny.....do you guys not grow indoors at all, or just concentrate on outdoor grows?
Besides starting my plants inside for the first couple of weeks under cfl it's outdoor only for me:thumbsup:.....I live in a nice sunny climate so might as well make the most of it:smoking:.....if I were to grow indoors I'd have to run an air conditioning unit most of the year but outdoors they seem to do ok in hotter weather :shrug:
Both of you have, vastly different no doubt, kinda extreme environmental factors to deal with.
I am thankful that im able to grow indoors and all year, which is the plan of attack lol. And even then theres still a billion things to think about and watch out for and such.
Kudos to all yall outdoor growers, dealing with actual mother nature and junk lol.
Imma keep trying to recreate that inside a tiny lil tent in a nice cool room lol
I get to tinker with my plants year round here :thumbsup:......I kinda like not being able to control the environment as it's one less thing to worry about:rofl:, it's the bugs that drive me crazy sometimes :cuss:
an early harvest better safe :smoking:a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush :nono: one from the back is worth two from the front :nono: fugging cockathrees :cuss:cattapliers :cuss:how to stop the flutterbies that lay the cattapliers :shrug:its great to have a purple something in stock,the trouble is keepeing it there :baked:
nice growing
keep er lit
Hey mate, just trying one pot with coco at the moment and see how it goes :smoking: I use a BT product for the pillers, it's safe to use in flower and doesn't seem to taint the final product :thumbsup:

Hey mate that sounds a good plan to try just one, hope she really shines :thumbsup: That sounds good, wonder if it does other things like Thrips. I cant stand the buds they are driving me mad :wall: the gnats, but this time, not huge numbers wont be silly , like last grow i thought they were benefitial insects :rofl:, i got a plan, and the grow after this will be no gnat issues. She must be close to harvest mate, sure like the Purple Colour, maybe Purple Punch will have some Purple :frog:
Sure is going to be hard to leave her in the jars Archie :thumbsup:....damn animals and bugs have nearly drove me crazy the last couple of months but I'm nearly used to it now, I'll just keep planting a couple of extras for the hiccups along the way to harvest :oops1:
an early harvest better safe :smoking:a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush :nono: one from the back is worth two from the front :nono: fugging cockathrees :cuss:cattapliers :cuss:how to stop the flutterbies that lay the cattapliers :shrug:its great to have a purple something in stock,the trouble is keepeing it there :baked:
nice growing
keep er lit
Heya Smokey, I don't think this kinda BT is good for anything besides killing pillers! I'll ask about and see if I can find anything that might help with trips and gnats....I think I can remember someone talking about mosquito dunks or something like that :shrug:....yeah mate she's getting close maybe 2 more weeks or so until she comes down :coffee:
Hey mate that sounds a good plan to try just one, hope she really shines :thumbsup: That sounds good, wonder if it does other things like Thrips. I cant stand the buds they are driving me mad :wall: the gnats, but this time, not huge numbers wont be silly , like last grow i thought they were benefitial insects :rofl:, i got a plan, and the grow after this will be no gnat issues. She must be close to harvest mate, sure like the Purple Colour, maybe Purple Punch will have some Purple :frog:
New batch of seedlings are just about ready for the outdoors :thumbsup:....super skunk auto and white widdow auto from seedstockers and a dinafem cookies auto ....just getting them used to the sun and they are going outside permanently :smoking: