Outdoor The never ending story

The four older seedlings have been planted in their final pots outside today. They probably could have spent another week inside but they were starting to outgrow their current pots and with some nice sunny days and warmer nights forecast I figured now was as good a time as any to rehome them. I have also fimed the strawberry nuggets and the baby boom yesterday or the day before :shrug:. Watered them in with some liquid kelp, and some gogo juice along with a 1/4 strength maxi grow.

Before transplant
double grapes
strawberry nuggets (biggest) and baby boom (smaller)
gogo juice
Hey smokey, how's it going buddy? I can't remember what date I started these girls...:shrug:...they must be around 3 weeks old in the pics above as one had shown sex. I don't use any special pots or techniques when transplanting just give them a good watering the night before so the soil holds together. I have some more seedlings I have started in 1.5 litre pots that will need to be repotted in a couple of weeks and I can do a rundown with some pics on how I do it then if you want? I would highly recommend getting a light and starting your plants indoors mate, best thing I ever did :thumbsup:
@the green bandit , girls are looking great how old are they buddy? I am thinking of getting a light to start grow 3 off, a cheap one and a box like you have done. Did you use any special technique with the pots, to transfer the girls? Also try some training with them also

Hey Greenbandit !! Not bad thanks, yourself? :pass: Really warm and sunny today here 26c. GSC a bit yellowing in leaves, once pots dry a little will add a bit of N, i did that with last water with 6ml 13.14. Great idea i am looking at cheap lights on ebay 6400K T5s, and will use a storage bin, since plenty in the house. A heating pad maybe also, def for germination. It depends on the girls but Grow 3 August or late July. Thanks mate some pictures would be good.
The little ladies seem to be going along pretty well this week. Winter growing is so much less work than in the summer months. I have only had to water them once since transplanting! Temperatures have been fantastic with days in the 26c+ range and nights around 8c. The one time I watered them I gave 1 teaspoon per gallon of maxi grow and a dash of liquid kelp. I have removed the lowest set of satellites on each plant to try and reduce the amount of popcorn later on.......:pass:
:d5: GreenBandit, the Girls are looking great mate, nice and healthy. I was going over the Searles website, some nice fish and kelp mix they have. They have a tarp at night to keep warm? or they take the cold temps. Good idea, i am trying not to have popcorn buds also:frog: