Mephisto Genetics The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Autopots, Milk powder

Thanks for the kind words......I trialed a few lower buds from the Milk Lady earlier this evening.........Kudos to me for being able to operate a keyboard, albeit repeated attempts, a spell checker and lots of patience is the order of the day...........View attachment 512268

Guess milk powder THC is outside my tolerance level somewhat.......very up there with the thinker View attachment 512270 HE would have been proud me thinks..........It's all Mephistopheles fault View attachment 512268

At least a keyboard falls outside of the heavy machinery category!
Well done corgy, nice job man! Rep slap coming your way
At least a keyboard falls outside of the heavy machinery category!

Heavy Machinery, LOL
I had to take a 24 hour break from Mephisto weed, every thing feels like heavy machinery.
One hard hit and a toothbrush is heavy machinery.

@Corgy thanks for being the guinea pig.
Tell us more please, is it stronger than regular HBSS? Anything unusual or distinctive about the high?
At least a keyboard falls outside of the heavy machinery category!

Thanks Mitch........Heavy machinery, there's a thought, the keys to a backhoe loader last would have been more than epic......memorable.....springs to mind!

Heavy Machinery, LOL
I had to take a 24 hour break from Mephisto weed, every thing feels like heavy machinery.
One hard hit and a toothbrush is heavy machinery.

@Corgy thanks for being the guinea pig.
Tell us more please, is it stronger than regular HBSS? Anything unusual or distinctive about the high?

I don't know about the strength or anything "unusual", I haven't really tried the "normally grown" Hubba's yet, they will come down starting tomorrow, so a status report next week or so. The wife says it very strong and insist on making her own smoke
Since I'm not really an everyday smoker I think I'm not really give a reliable opinion.......suffice to say there's nothing to complain about.....soaring high for me and last a good 3-4 hours.

By the way, I may be the guinea pig for dairy fed HBSS, but @Broadsword is the original progressive Milk man :thumbsup:
Day 85 update

Well, here's some shots of the Hubba's today, I'll get some of the Milk Lady later......they are starting to look a little worn, but nice hard as rocks buds. I decided to let them run as long as they wanted, still sprouting them white hairs.......

Still feeding Flora Nova Bloom, and adding some PK supplements, 1 tablespoon epsom salt per 10 L and Biogreen Cal-gel.

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Wow ... didn't know the HBSS could get so big!
Hmmm ... those girls would look nice in MY tent ... might be time to crack open the HBSS beans currently resting in my fridge ...

I don't know about the strength or anything "unusual"
So nothing like:
-kaleidoscope pattens dancing across your retinas
-passing out, waking up the next day
-confusion about appropriate the number of limbs

You are fine, double the dose. (JOKE, that was a joke!)
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Since I'm not really an everyday smoker I think I'm not really give a reliable opinion.......suffice to say there's nothing to complain about.....soaring high for me and last a good 3-4 hours.

Ooooohhhhhhh ... I think I might have a friend who would LOVE this strain coming out of my tent's production line!
So nothing like:
-kaleidoscope pattens dancing across your retinas
-passing out, waking up the next day
-confusion about appropriate the number of limbs

I'm afraid nothing quite like that, although there DID appear to be some nice fractals in the wall paper, and I made some headway with the validation of this Mandelbrot set


When you have 5 hands and only 1 foot it's quite easy actually.....

Other than that, it was biz as usual...... I think!