Mephisto Genetics The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Autopots, Milk powder

Yup, she's in the need, the need for N..........lets see if 10 g milk powder per liter will take care of the N's.........

Celebrity.....wots a you mean one of them folks that makes a living pretending to be someone else, and all the somebody's celebrates all the pretending and voila, there's a slelebrity.........doesn't work for me!

Your milky girl did green up from higher doses of milk powder, right?
That is weird, the nitrogen in the milk protein must get broken down.

I asked my girls if they want some milk. They said sure, whatever, they can't see cartoons on bottles.
They can't read catchy names, slogans, or marketing blubs.
Strange but true, plants don't notice pretty bottles even if they are day-glo orange.
They just want the nutes, any way they can get it.

How are the Trichomes? Have you tried a sample?
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After using H&G Soil A and B, I was thoroughly unimpressed. In a side by side with organics, they finish average to slightly below average in size and harvest.

Thanks for the kind words, and do stick around as much as you like mate, the more the merrier, but don't forget to View attachment 498025 for the ride..........

Ah yes, H&G......unfortunately I have to report that they have gone out of business in the Zubenelgenubi Quadrant, and in Europe too..............but I did find a couple of growshops in the UK still selling the Amino Treatment, at £74.95 a liter..................wots that all about View attachment 498027
N deficiencies show from the bottom up, as NPK are mobile and are translocated to the upper plant as needed. This looks like a micro nutrient deficiency, boron being the most likely, but could also be sulfur, Iron, or copper. A fair indicator would be yellow leaves with green veins. Boron can be supplied by Borax or boric Acid. A general micro nutrient supplement would be better.

Well, the Milk Lady is turning out to be a delicate woman, refined fragile in a pale sort of way......

Day 55 update

I have upped the feed to 5 g/L, but there is definitely still something missing........and she is not getting to the same wuthering heights as her sisters, now 64 cm high so she only grew 1 cm in the last 6 days, and I don't see much bulking up in the same last 6 days.

Looking at the pics here she could be deficient in virtually anything and everything
View attachment 498959 View attachment 498960 View attachment 498961 View attachment 498962 View attachment 498963

I'll get some pics up later today of her 6 conventional sisters dwelling in the other room.
Apparently @Corgy has a metric shit-ton of weed to harvest/trim/dry/cure.
My sympathies...oh the sticky burden.

Well my harvest was flat out trimming non stop for 6 hours then bagging it and sorting my tent out for drying. From 10 at night to 5 min the morning... I only had 3 girls. Poor Corgy lol