Late comer checking in.
I have copied most of this from a post in LS I made yesterday, too lazy to do it all again from scratch
Many hours of work, means Arty has been busy.
I've been busy chopping out a plot.
The plots sits inside a huge thicket of Brambles (Blackberry/Briar).
I have carved out 4M x 5M approx giving me 20 Sqr Meters to work with.
This is the first site and on paper it looked perfect but it aint until boots are on the ground, a full assessment can be made!
I want an even more secluded spot!
I will search out plots once the summer has passed, giving me much more time to plan next years crop, this year has been a mad rush!
This is my first year going guerilla and next year, I wont have to spend so much on gear, as I will already have some, like the mini hedge trimmer I bought.
70 quid (mumble, mumble, mutter, I rather not have had to spend that much on it but I wanted a removable battery)!
Funny fact a lot of the bramble stems were way to big for the trimmer, so I ended up doing a lot of work, with long handled loppers! So much for time saving gadget, eh!

I have bought, so many things for the grow and they all have to fit in a back pack, a 20 Liter tactical pack.
I have larger back packs going up to 75 liters, which will get used to transport soil/perlite etc but I only want to use the large packs rarely and only when good folks are in their bed!
I wear normal clothes but once near the location I quickly camo up, so to blend in and not stand out.
Trail cam just purchased, you need to know what is going on when you're not there!
Just remember this was all brambles higher than me and I have the scratches to prove it lol, I'm still pulling out thorns!
Here are some pics of the ongoing work!
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Yes, this was originally all bramble before I set to cutting it down!
To give you an idea of the plot size the Brambles are 8 feet tall (2.4M) and the plot is 4M x 5M.
I have some little ladies waiting to get their feet in the soil.
I also have a second round just sprouting.
There is around 30 strains, so it should produce a nice selection of herb to smoke!
Lots more to do I will update as it happens but until they are all in the ground, Arty continues to be elusive, it's a one man op, so there is only me to do it!
Everything is done on foot and public transport, a real chore but if you want something bad enough, you have to dig deep.
I missed the bus the other day and had to walk 8 miles after a day of bramble clearing in soaring temperatures!
I will be taking it a little slower and I won't even be getting off my arse next week when it get to 35C which is sweltering for us Brits, Average temp for this time of yea is 22C, so we will be 13C higher and I will not be enjoying it lol!