Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

7/6 update; Danknugz
Day 44 auto and photoperiods
Hi peps my gardens getting munched on at night hard by meat eating stoner slugs I think I created monsters by feeding them cat food, the cats all looked at me like the biggest @“@: to ever walk the planet when they see me putting a spoonful of cat food down to detour the slugs away from my plants.
@Fast Buds Heather auto Gorilla Punch

Seedstockersxhumbolt Apollo black cherry 1

Apollo black cherry 2

Panty Punch

Mack & Crack 1

Mack & Crack 2


All photoperiods have been topped autos left natural
Day 44 auto and photoperiods
Hi peps my gardens getting munched on at night hard by meat eating stoner slugs I think I created monsters by feeding them cat food, the cats all looked at me like the biggest @“@: to ever walk the planet when they see me putting a spoonful of cat food down to detour the slugs away from my plants.
@Fast Buds Heather auto Gorilla Punch
View attachment 1482839
Seedstockersxhumbolt Apollo black cherry 1
View attachment 1482840
Apollo black cherry 2
View attachment 1482841
Panty Punch
View attachment 1482842
Mack & Crack 1
View attachment 1482843
Mack & Crack 2
View attachment 1482844
View attachment 1482845
All photoperiods have been topped autos left natural
I use the Oregon Slug Trap baited with beer.
Week 6 day 42
My 2 northern lighrts photos got transplanted from my front yard too 7 gallon pots 1 is 4 feet tall and the 2nd is 3.5 feet tall currently.. hopfully they will be at least 6 feet tall when switching to flower but only time will tell..
Day 44 auto and photoperiods
Hi peps my gardens getting munched on at night hard by meat eating stoner slugs I think I created monsters by feeding them cat food, the cats all looked at me like the biggest @“@: to ever walk the planet when they see me putting a spoonful of cat food down to detour the slugs away from my plants.
@Fast Buds Heather auto Gorilla Punch
View attachment 1482839
Seedstockersxhumbolt Apollo black cherry 1
View attachment 1482840
Apollo black cherry 2
View attachment 1482841
Panty Punch
View attachment 1482842
Mack & Crack 1
View attachment 1482843
Mack & Crack 2
View attachment 1482844
View attachment 1482845
All photoperiods have been topped autos left natural
Beer in a bowl will catch slugs
My Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel seems to sulk every night and is praying for sun again by morning. She’s got moist soil, no recent visible insect damage. Should I hit her with some Gnatrol which is an OMRI Bt treatment of the soil, maybe it would rule out something nibbling her roots? Day 41 showing pistils but not flowering yet. Maybe she’s just letting me know she got enough sun ? Worth mentioning she hits 49-53 nightly maybe she’s a pro at getting ready draining water to allow some stress :pass:
:smoking:- Hey Newman, that's not an uncommon thing for cannabis to do... Not always, but both auto and photo's may do that relaxed petiole posture thing just before lights out/sunset. I've never had it adequately explained to me, but it seems to stop during blooming = :shrug:
I find that in order for me to get the best pics of my girls, I need to take them during prime time while in veg'!
Temps don't seem to be a factor, the auto's are warm when they do this at my grow....

Things are still rolling along outdoor... I couldn't be happier with the garden this year even though I haven't had much time to spend down there working it this year with the house addition but luckily they are growing themselves.

Yup, rolling phat on cruise control Jean :cools:... they all have blown by that first trellis like it wasn't there!
Oh yeah, while I'm at here, and since my laggard-ass hasn't got his grow thread up yet -
--- here's the short but chunky Strawberry Kush auto!
Super nice buds on her my man, great bud:leaf, tons of trich's, aromas developing now...sweet fruity, hints of that strawberry-ness coming... still early :biggrin:


Well it's not getting any easier to pick the ones out.
:haha: :goodluck:... I am of NO help either! ... That said, remember it's the buds that do all the talking later, so that bag appeal factor is really what you should be aiming for... That, and honing your porn shooting skillz!
:smoking:- Hey Newman, that's not an uncommon thing for cannabis to do... Not always, but both auto and photo's may do that relaxed petiole posture thing just before lights out/sunset. I've never had it adequately explained to me, but it seems to stop during blooming = :shrug:
I find that in order for me to get the best pics of my girls, I need to take them during prime time while in veg'!
Temps don't seem to be a factor, the auto's are warm when they do this at my grow....

Yup, rolling phat on cruise control Jean :cools:... they all have blown by that first trellis like it wasn't there!
Oh yeah, while I'm at here, and since my laggard-ass hasn't got his grow thread up yet - View attachment 1483516--- here's the short but chunky Strawberry Kush auto!
Super nice buds on her my man, great bud:leaf, tons of trich's, aromas developing now...sweet fruity, hints of that strawberry-ness coming... still early :biggrin:

View attachment 1483525View attachment 1483526View attachment 1483527View attachment 1483528

:haha: :goodluck:... I am of NO help either! ... That said, remember it's the buds that do all the talking later, so that bag appeal factor is really what you should be aiming for... That, and honing your porn shooting skillz!
She is looking great bud! Stacking nice n chunky!
Big autos not to bad for a skylight grow ♿♿☣I'm really excited to see what an actual summer could produce with regular sun I'm from Oregon it rains in July sometimes.
kyote's weekly update

67 n cloudy today.. happy camper here ..everything is still alive :smoking:

2x foliar with kelp and humic/fulvic acid in veg, and 1x a week of Rotblock on all of em.

Top dressing with Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 with WC when it'z time to feed em
Got boss Gnome to end his vacation early and put him on Snow G photo.. and NOW she is doing her thing :smiley1:


Muchacha auto @ 7 weeks .. about 33 inches tall .. top dressed with 30% 4-4-4 and 70% 2-8-4 with WC on the 2nd

And SSSC Elephant @ 32 days .. this plant gives me the laughs :smoking:All stem and plate size fans.. about 32 inches tall.. she may end up pretty tall.. node spacing is crazee top dressed 50/50 with 444, 284 and worm castings on 6-29

That be it for this week..happy grows all! :toke: