Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

@arty zan as it's a private forum, I can't link into it, but I can see if I can bounce a pic from my computer to here, and ask her as well for the brand :smoking:
She's not a frequent poster, so it may take a bit! to din-din now, BBL for general catch-up :smokeout:
@arty zan as it's a private forum, I can't link into it, but I can see if I can bounce a pic from my computer to here, and ask her as well for the brand :smoking:
She's not a frequent poster, so it may take a bit! to din-din now, BBL for general catch-up :smokeout:
Jolly good old bean! :thumbsup:
I too must away, for tea and tiffin!
I will speak to you in the morrow, my good fellow.
(I'm sorry, you said din-din and well. I just went super old school British LAMO Din dins is very a English thing to say to a young child, of a well to do family at dinner time):crying:
You know for a second, I misread you comment and thought you were talking about a "German girl using plastic collars and Straps", It made me think you had been watching Euro BDSM again!:naughtystep::rofl:
That, absolutely figures! :condom:Suit-up boiiii! :haha:

I'm gonna go with she uses beer traps, I can tell you they do work, from past experience but the deer might see it as an excuse to have a party!:crying:
As for asparagus.....
Deer do avoid mature asparagus plants, but deer and many other animals love the new shoots of which our pee smells of. However globe artichokes are often grown as deer barriers. accounting for their tastes it seems,... :rofl:
I recall as a kid, going the the Zoo in San Diego CA, and when we were checking out the gorillas, the big boyo swaggered up front and center of the enclosure, and promptly let loose an almighty whizz... very amusing, until the smell hit! The whole crowd as one was knocked back 2 steps by the fearsome stench!
I swear, it should have burned his dong clean off- :yoinks: :hothot:

Luckily we don't have poison oak or poison ivy here in the UK but we do have stinging nettle, which my delicate little botty shall avoid, whence wiping is needed.
What, no stream bidet?! Oooh what a sight that would be for the random bird watcher's club hike, should you be so fortunate!
Today I will try to narrow down me outdoor seed list from 35 to 3 strains. I will be looking for hardiness, mold resistance, short height and low odor. So that means googling all 35 strains and collate the data before I extrapolate which 3 strains will make the cut!
First strain will be Lemon'o'matic which our old pal ePenguin grew back in 2015, virtually no odor, short and tastes of lemon, ding , ding , ding all boxes ticked:greencheck:
Verily, good luck with that :rolleyes2: ... I curse and lament my limitations on running auto's (photo's too), I have SUCH the back-log, pass on seeds all the time and yet somehow they keep slipping in, a few here, a few there,...
:rofl:.... some things you just can't pass on! I have done that and been burned later, such is my infallible justification, I tell my Seed Hoarders Anonymous sponsor @BCBudlady --!
....Which we are known for falling face first off the seed wagon together and sharing spoils! :crying:

*sigh* eP, this day I/we still worry and wonder...:sad:
Jolly good old bean! :thumbsup:
I too must away, for tea and tiffin!
I will speak to you in the morrow, my good fellow.
(I'm sorry, you said din-din and well. I just went super old school British LAMO Din dins is very a English thing to say to a young child, of a well to do family at dinner time):crying:
I have hoisted mine pinkies both, m'lord, as I sip this fine coffee from the New World! :smoking:
Proper English is never a bad thing I say,... :rofl:
That, absolutely figures! :condom:Suit-up boiiii! :haha: accounting for their tastes it seems,... :rofl:
I recall as a kid, going the the Zoo in San Diego CA, and when we were checking out the gorillas, the big boyo swaggered up front and center of the enclosure, and promptly let loose an almighty whizz... very amusing, until the smell hit! The whole crowd as one was knocked back 2 steps by the fearsome stench!
I swear, it should have burned his dong clean off- :yoinks: :hothot: View attachment 1465377

What, no stream bidet?! Oooh what a sight that would be for the random bird watcher's club hike, should you be so fortunate!

Verily, good luck with that :rolleyes2: ... I curse and lament my limitations on running auto's (photo's too), I have SUCH the back-log, pass on seeds all the time and yet somehow they keep slipping in, a few here, a few there,... View attachment 1465378:rofl:.... some things you just can't pass on! I have done that and been burned later, such is my infallible justification, I tell my Seed Hoarders Anonymous sponsor @BCBudlady --!
....Which we are known for falling face first off the seed wagon together and sharing spoils! :crying:

*sigh* eP, this day I/we still worry and wonder...:sad:

Not a whizz,in this vid but:crying: more of a toxic cloud , that will singe nostril hairs clean off!

Hhmmm too many seeds you say?....... hording....... back log...... ah yes, somewhat!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
So there I am getting excited to do my first gorilla grow, after not growing for 6 months!
I order a ton of new seeds including, many freebies form BOGOF deals and I found these I had bought 6 months ago!

Hence 35 strains LMAO

As for BC Budlady, I have been the recipient of her generosity, she doesn't just horde but verily giveth away her surplus beans!!
so I will defend mine ladies honor!
I will throw down mine gauntlet and challenge any fellow to a duel, that doth offend mine ladies honor!
A duel of handbags at dawn!

Ah yes eP my favorite manky penguin, I sent him a message the other day, in the vain hope that he will see it at some point (maybe), we live in hope!

Here is the Bio-char compost I have bought for potting the seed/seedlings and putting a little extra in the final planting hole.
Carbon Gold’s Biochar All Purpose Compost is a coir based compost that is 100% peat and synthetic chemical free and is both FSC certified and Soil Association Approved for organic growing.
Carbon Gold’s Biochar All Purpose Compost is a coir based compost that is 100% peat and synthetic chemical free and is both FSC certified and Soil Association Approved for organic growing.
By using biochar you can bring a physical and permanent change to your soil, improving structure, aeration, water-holding capacity and nutrient retention.
Carbon Gold Biochar is enriched with mycorrhizal fungi, trace minerals and beneficial bacteria that we add to improve plant health.
FSC certified and Soil Association Approved for organic growing.
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The orange cookies by tastebuds has a phenomenal flavor, the critical Banana smoothie isn’t bad either
Thanks brother @Newman’sOwn :d5: They do both sound amazing! I shall go look at there stats.
I have the stats for about 25 of the 35 strains I am working through in order to choose the final 3.
I'm just about to go through the last 10 which are mostly Fastbudz strains!
Thank you for your input and yes the Orange cookies does sound great!
5/30 Entry; Kyote auto's

Fast Budz Mexican Airlines in da house .. and Muchacha just plugging along :thumbsup: Still haven't seen 70f here yet..maybe a chilly summer here this year.. Will get these outdoors in a couple weeks


And z T20M Muchacha @ 10 dayz young
5-29 nuchacha.jpg

Have fun in da sun, if ya gotz any sun that is :rofl:
Photos going into the big containers today. I’ll have a pic of them later in their final pots. 2 will be planted in 7 gal pots and one in a 10 gal tote. Dr earth 4-4-4 dry amendments will be used for this grow. Re-using soil from previous grows for this. Media has been rehydrated with rain water from the clouds and preamended with 1.5 cups of 4-4-4- for the 7gal(s) and 2 cups for the 10 gal.

These are SSSC Strawberry Cookies.