Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

Is anyone direct planting outside/greenhouse? My plan all along has been to direct seed but I can see nightly temps will still be well into the 40’s here (moved 4hrs north last fall so first season here). Supplemental heat might be needed at night initially right? My basement grow that hit 50 showed issues so I can’t imagine this would be different? Also out of 6 plants considering starting 2 now 10-13 days before transplant and direct seed the others. Any thoughts appreciated :pass:

Yesterday was the first day here over 60f, and night temps still in the 40's. All me od plants get started in the tent due to this, and moved outside in June. :goodluck: to you!
I think @Shiva's Mistress has used G-Tab's before, worked pretty well too! I keep waiting for her to roll in, but I know she moved so may not be around yet...

Hey Waira!!

I've been laying low over the winter.
Now that it's spring, I already have dropped over three dozen beans and have a number of seedlings happily in the ground.
I should get a pic into the Outdoor thread.

I didn't use G-Tabs. I had some other kind of tab which was high Mg and P IIRC.
Worked okay I figure, but they're not the kind you are talking about here.
Hey Waira!!

I've been laying low over the winter.
Now that it's spring, I already have dropped over three dozen beans and have a number of seedlings happily in the ground.
I should get a pic into the Outdoor thread.

I didn't use G-Tabs. I had some other kind of tab which was high Mg and P IIRC.
Worked okay I figure, but they're not the kind you are talking about here.
Hey @Shiva's Mistress
It was me that mentioned that I will be using "Biotabs Geurrilla Tabs"
They are slow release 100% organic fertiliser tablets NPK: 15-7-8

Biotabs also make a Mycorrhizae and a Beneficial Bacteria supplements, to work with the tabs.
I have both of these from a previous BioTabs grow.
Should I need more P in flowering stage I will add some "Dutch Pro - Explode" into the mix.
5/22; update Jean
@Waira weekly update on the photo and auto's
Chem Beyond Diesel CBD

Detroit Rock City F1 FV

Skunk Hero 22 F1

The Auto's


Chocolate Skunk

Not really much to report on things are on cruise control as of now still working away on planting other goodies in the garden and getting branches chipped up for more wood chips around the garden. The weather has been a bit up and down but the plants seem to be handling everything pretty well Im hoping things will level out here over the next week or so.
Hey Waira!!

I've been laying low over the winter.
Now that it's spring, I already have dropped over three dozen beans and have a number of seedlings happily in the ground.
I should get a pic into the Outdoor thread.

I didn't use G-Tabs. I had some other kind of tab which was high Mg and P IIRC.
Worked okay I figure, but they're not the kind you are talking about here.
:bighug:Hey luv! I was hoping you would surface eventually,... Always a pleasure! :passit:

3 dozen?! :rofl: :woohoo1: Are you in a better grow situation this year, I hope- :smoking: Whatcha got cookin'?
Why no whistle for Shiva's Mistress?
...coz I'm a gellie and I just spouted off whoever swam into my head at the time! :baked:
:haha: ...sorry ma'am, I am but a worm,...:rolleyes2: doubt I spaced others too!
....Ahhh well, after this many years, folks know to come lookin' either way! 4/20 has become the signature start date :thumbsup:

Not really much to report on things are on cruise control as of now still working away on planting other goodies in the garden and getting branches chipped up for more wood chips around the garden. The weather has been a bit up and down but the plants seem to be handling everything pretty well Im hoping things will level out here over the next week or so.
:greenthumb:ayuhh! Pics say it all mate, they are rolling phat even with the wonky weather....:amazon:

Your Strawb' K is up and kicking in only 3 days from sow Jean, even with low 70's only for germ temp's- :coffee: - girl wants to GO!
All 3 autos are up now in fact, so time to get them into the tent- :woohoo: - Jack Summer Love and Orange Bbgum, so it's a very fruity first round! I'm hoping the JSL shows the Love Potion auto dom. pheno, nice lemon peel aroma...
:bighug:Hey luv! I was hoping you would surface eventually,... Always a pleasure! :passit:

3 dozen?! :rofl: :woohoo1: Are you in a better grow situation this year, I hope- :smoking: Whatcha got cookin'?

...coz I'm a gellie and I just spouted off whoever swam into my head at the time! :baked: View attachment 1462805 :haha: ...sorry ma'am, I am but a worm,...:rolleyes2: doubt I spaced others too!
....Ahhh well, after this many years, folks know to come lookin' either way! 4/20 has become the signature start date :thumbsup:

Thanks to the super duper generous @Dank Nuggets and @Sawney_bean I have quite the stash of fine cultivars.
Mephisto crosses, Roc Bud, Mendo Twenty20, Seedstockers, and more.
The too-early testers of Purple Moon Rocks and some White Chem didn't pull through,
but a bunch of Blue Nuggets are already in the ground,
plus some Lecters (Pink Panama X Triks) are on the way.

My grow situation not any better, but now I do know the English season and location better.
Lazy ass growing this year, starting them in a shared greenhouse under everyone's noses,
then before they show those "Hey, doesn't that look like weed?" five-pointer leaves,
they're off to their forever homes, either a hole in the ground or a medium sized pot.
Though, to be honest, the holes and the pots are under everyone's noses too... but it worked last year!!

Don't worry about the lack of a whistle, I know what time it is!

Maybe do a journal or join the outdoor people again.
But for now, just sharing a pic or two when I can,
and keeping everything together for a harvest hopefully starting in late July to August.


These are all the Blue Nuggets, started about a month ago I think in a greenhouse.
It was still fairly cold / cool, so slow start.
Was 12 seeds in six cell pots, two seeds per cell pot, figuring casualties.
9 came up okay, three pairs and three singles, and were planted out.
Three pairs went into the ground, two singles together in one pot and another single in one pot.
In the ground the holes are about 1-2 gal / 5-6 liters, and the pots are about the same size.

The youngsters:

Originally a pair, now you see why I do multiple plants per cell pot and planting site:
View attachment 1463014

These two made it together!
View attachment 1463017

And here we see why sometimes two isn't necessarily enough:
View attachment 1463021

The single girl in a pot, to be relocated soon:
View attachment 1463023

These two together will also be relocated soon:
View attachment 1463025

Maybe some rain coming up tonight and tomorrow. That will bring on the slugs...
If they survive this okay, then they should put on enough size to survive anything later.

Love and hugs,