Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

@Waira it says 3 month minimum but what if I am growing an 8 week auto.?
I will be a guerrilla grower and would need your 2/3 week dispensation.
To be honest, I'm not too worried about the prizes, I just want to join in, seeing as I can't grow indoors at the moment, it will be prize enough to have a little something to put in the jar.
Just ordered some Guerrilla tabs and will be soaking some seeds later today, once I have decided on the strain!
@Waira it says 3 month minimum but what if I am growing an 8 week auto.?
I will be a guerrilla grower and would need your 2/3 week dispensation.
To be honest, I'm not too worried about the prizes, I just want to join in, seeing as I can't grow indoors at the moment, it will be prize enough to have a little something to put in the jar.
Just ordered some Guerrilla tabs and will be soaking some seeds later today, once I have decided on the strain!
I think they can finish as fast as you like bro and as you say it will be great to see you back in the game
I think they can finish as fast as you like bro and as you say it will be great to see you back in the game
I hear you Tom!
I've pretty much decided to do this, purely for shits and giggles.
I'm gonna do an guerrilla grow none the less and will post pic here with the other outdoor grows.
You right though after 6 months no growing, it will be good to be back in the game.
I'm thinking Lemon Pie auto, which has a resistance to both plagues and mold.
I'm a sucker for lemon flavored weed, so seems a good fit!
I hear you Tom!
I've pretty much decided to do this, purely for shits and giggles.
I'm gonna do an guerrilla grow none the less and will post pic here with the other outdoor grows.
You right though after 6 months no growing, it will be good to be back in the game.
I'm thinking Lemon Pie auto, which has a resistance to both plagues and mold.
I'm a sucker for lemon flavored weed, so seems a good fit!
I will pm you over the weekend bro
Hi wiara
Good to see the out door season is kicking in!
Citrus Noir x S99v6 is a nice strain.
Good luck to all those entering!
I hope you are well brother and loving life :bighug:
RT-Z! :bighug: Where's @blue when I need her? We need to make a huggie man-wich outta yeh- :rofl:
I see we are back into your elliptical orbit again mate, great to have you about as always :passit:.... All's well enough, thank you RT! You're in good fettle as well I trust?

....Oh yeah! CN was/is still one the the very best Stone made IMO, and the S99 v's follow suit! I grew v6 last year, got a really minty girl almost like spearmint actually, a first for me - :thumbsup: naturally the cross is a winner!
If the lone seed of O. BBgum fails, I'll bump CN99' up in the queue... I need fast girls for this starting run.
@Waira it says 3 month minimum but what if I am growing an 8 week auto.?
I will be a guerrilla grower and would need your 2/3 week dispensation.
To be honest, I'm not too worried about the prizes, I just want to join in, seeing as I can't grow indoors at the moment, it will be prize enough to have a little something to put in the jar.
Just ordered some Guerrilla tabs and will be soaking some seeds later today, once I have decided on the strain!
What says 3 month min. mate? Oh wait, that's 3 updates/month min., except for guerilla grows, so you're fine for that - :biggrin: ...If you can get a few updates in that's all you need. Mainly, this update thing is to help Mods keep tabs and also make sure no cheezy BS gets attempted by cheater twats whose plants grew a meter in 2 weeks magically, bait & switch, and such...
JB brow.gif

I think @Shiva's Mistress has used G-Tab's before, worked pretty well too! I keep waiting for her to roll in, but I know she moved so may not be around yet...
...Prizes, shmizes:jointman:... that's always TBD, but it's seeds from various choice breeders. Our in-house wizard @Jean-O has established a very nice company with stellar stuff, @Twenty20 Adam (Twenty20Mendocino) sponsored a pile as well last year. Outstanding company, RT, look'm up here and online... I'm running real deal Trainwreck and Something Good photo's this year :thumbsup:
Brother @MasonJarOG added the whipped cream and cherry last year with a generous donation of RocBud stuff as well- :woohoo1:

Myself, I'm DQ'ed as the MC for this, but I'll play through poll voting anyway coz it's always a gas!
So, belly-up mate, I hope you can land a few lovelies to see you through for a while- :goodluck: ... Lemon Pie does sounds juicy!
@MasonJarOG Photoperiod Update - day 61 and still hanging hail and all.
Detroit Rock City F1FV by -O
View attachment 1461632
SnowG by @Twenty20 Adam
View attachment 1461639
Wow mason, she's taking the beating well I must say! ++ for outdoor durability :amazon:
Is anyone direct planting outside/greenhouse? My plan all along has been to direct seed but I can see nightly temps will still be well into the 40’s here (moved 4hrs north last fall so first season here). Supplemental heat might be needed at night initially right? My basement grow that hit 50 showed issues so I can’t imagine this would be different? Also out of 6 plants considering starting 2 now 10-13 days before transplant and direct seed the others. Any thoughts appreciated :pass:
I gather you're talking photo's here? Auto's despise cold, and usually let you know the hard (runty) way :rofl:.... Photo's are much more tolerant, plus they have the time to make up for it, unlike auto's...
Wow mason, she's taking the beating well I must say! ++ for outdoor durability :amazon:

I gather you're talking photo's here? Auto's despise cold, and usually let you know the hard (runty) way :rofl:.... Photo's are much more tolerant, plus they have the time to make up for it, unlike auto's...

they are autos, supplementary heat on the standby for night time :pass:
RT-Z! :bighug: Where's @blue when I need her? We need to make a huggie man-wich outta yeh- :rofl:
I see we are back into your elliptical orbit again mate, great to have you about as always :passit:.... All's well enough, thank you RT! You're in good fettle as well I trust?

....Oh yeah! CN was/is still one the the very best Stone made IMO, and the S99 v's follow suit! I grew v6 last year, got a really minty girl almost like spearmint actually, a first for me - :thumbsup: naturally the cross is a winner!
If the lone seed of O. BBgum fails, I'll bump CN99' up in the queue... I need fast girls for this starting run.

What says 3 month min. mate? Oh wait, that's 3 updates/month min., except for guerilla grows, so you're fine for that - :biggrin: ...If you can get a few updates in that's all you need. Mainly, this update thing is to help Mods keep tabs and also make sure no cheezy BS gets attempted by cheater twats whose plants grew a meter in 2 weeks magically, bait & switch, and such... View attachment 1462184

I think @Shiva's Mistress has used G-Tab's before, worked pretty well too! I keep waiting for her to roll in, but I know she moved so may not be around yet...
...Prizes, shmizes:jointman:... that's always TBD, but it's seeds from various choice breeders. Our in-house wizard @Jean-O has established a very nice company with stellar stuff, @Twenty20 Adam (Twenty20Mendocino) sponsored a pile as well last year. Outstanding company, RT, look'm up here and online... I'm running real deal Trainwreck and Something Good photo's this year :thumbsup:
Brother @MasonJarOG added the whipped cream and cherry last year with a generous donation of RocBud stuff as well- :woohoo1:

Myself, I'm DQ'ed as the MC for this, but I'll play through poll voting anyway coz it's always a gas!
So, belly-up mate, I hope you can land a few lovelies to see you through for a while- :goodluck: ... Lemon Pie does sounds juicy!
Hey good buddy :bighug:

Let me address the elliptical orbit.. This is in no way anything to do with hibernation, S.A.D, having blues, being depressed or any of that messed up in the head marlarky!
I feel that, some think this maybe the case but far from it!
I live in a house, where the landlord suspects that I grow but has never been able to catch me, this has meant numerous shut downs to protect my liberty!
When this happens, I go dark!
I don't want to be looking at 40 different strains being grown out, while my cupboard is bare.
Often I shut down for 8 weeks in the height of the summer/ heat wave season, at this time of year it gets too hot in the cab and I want to be out and about playing, bbq's going to the beach etc and not having to rush home to water the girls.!

Now that all the "mask hysteria" is over & once I have had the repairs to my place done, I will get a new job. (lost my last one due to the plandemic)!
There is plenty of work around, we currently have the lowest unemployment rates in 50 years, so they are crying out for people!
So once that is done, I'll get a new place and start afresh, then I can get back to circular orbits and only take my 8 week break in the summer!
Honestly mate, the last 10 years of cat and mouse, has been nothing but a right royal pain in the arse!
I have never been caught at it, so I am doing something right! :yay:
However, I'm fed up with "flying by the seat of my pants" and if I do much more of it, you will have to call me "Biggles"!:crying:

As for that naughty man minx Blue, he has been having European open manwhiches, one slice open topped, so less of a spit roast & more of a marshmallow kinda deal, you been missing out, that's LS for you Mossy and blue have been keeping me to themselves, :rofl: :kiss:

Posting pics is not a problem apart from getting to the site, where they will be grown!
I can't say too much but it is a case of "hiding in plain sight" and yet no one will smell or see them! (or so I imagine)
It took 3-4 hours of Google Earth to work out the spot and I'm pretty pleased with it (& myself)!:joy:

You know me, cheating aint my thing and to be honest, I'd like the girls to be on the shorter side of things, stealthy, stealthy!
I'm sure they will look great but not a pageant winner!
Those who can grow 12 footers and yield 9 pounds (Thinking GreenSkell sized plants), will surely take the prize.

As for the seed guys you mentioned, I'll check em out for sure.:hump:
My only problem with looking at US seed companies is, I see some mouth watering strains but they wont send to the UK!
Come on USA, we have been sending you seeds for years and further to that, seeds are legal in the UK!
The Spanish have worked it out and they now send everything stealth these days, now that we are no longer in the EU!

Talking of seeds, I just bought 13 strains so I am well sorted for the next 4 - 5 grows and that will be keeping going until this time next year.
Prizes Schmizes, I'm with you here! I have seeds coming out my ears and the Portal was more than generous over the years and I have a back log, that will never end!
So I aint in it to win it and I would rather any seed prize, went to some new buck, who can't afford to buy seeds etc.

MC Waira has a ring to it, will you be also spitting some bars for us?:haha:

Lemon Pie Auto - Fast Buds - does sound juicey, easy to grow, short and stocky, low smell and when it does smell it is lemons.
Grows mainly one man stem with a few side branches, finishes fairly fast and has a fairly powerful kick! Sounds like my cup of tea!
It grows up to 1 meter. Should be good for outdoor stealth!
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:smoking: I recall the LL dodging thing mate, the man is a douchey cartoon character to say the least!
... I'm off to run me errands now, BBL!