Old Reviews TaNgs NEW improved Feeding Schedule.

Big bud or overdrive stage? I thought u continue with overdrive longer tang?

No extend the Big Bud stage.


Have you ever tried flawless finish? Just ordered and wondered your thoughts. Not sure why the underline feature is locked.

No bro I haven't....I'm looking at buying Iguana Juice and Nirvana and developing an organic schedule alongside Voodoo Juice.

Hey TaNg, let's face it. I'm a noob, you're a pro. Would you mind helping me out with a 100 day advanced nutrients feeding schedule, with soil/perlite/peatmoss using the following:

sensi grow ph perfect
sensi bloom ph perfect
voodoo juice
voodoo juice
bid bud
bud factor x
bud ignitor
wet betty
microbial munch

I'm struggling to find solid information. I have tried making one based off the AN calculator and the schedule you've posted, but I am not confident with it and I thought, hey hopefully if this guy if still active on forums, he wouldn't mind helping me out.

thanks alot, im looking forward to hearing back from you!

Responded to your PM bro.
Nirvana from day 20 until finished drop the bud factor X and hit them with terpinator
Thanks for this great advice bud , I'm going to follow it on my second grow which won't be for a little while yet , just a quick question , in total how much would you say all of this costs approx and how long will they last ?
Prices vary so have a shop round and they last me a year or so as I don't grow many plants.
I've developed this schedule since I've been using the Rebel upgrades in my lights and I've had faster,bigger and stronger bud than before.
My tap water has a PH of 7.4 and is magnetised https://www.autoflower.org/f16/magnetised-water-25441.html all measurements given are added to 5L of water which is then sat out for 24hrs so if you want the per 1L measurements just divide by 5.
The amount you water is something you will have to dial in I now water daily through early veg then every 12 hours through stretch and bloom...I never water to run off, I don't check PH but that's because I know my feed is always 6.6 after adding nutrients. This schedule is also based on Plagron light mix as the medium and I wouldn't recommend trying it with another. All nutrients are Advance Nutrients except for calmag which is Plant Magic and schedule is based on a 70 day plant.

Days 1 to 10 - plain tap water (PH 7.4)

Days 10 to 15 - 5ml Sensi Grow A, 5ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml Voodoo Juice.

Days 15 to 20 - 6ml Sensi Grow A, 6ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml Voodoo Juice, 5ml Carboload.

Days 20 to 25 - 7ml Sensi Grow A, 7ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml B52, 5ml SensiZym, 5ml Carboload, 5ml RhinoSkin.

Days 25 to 30 - 8ml Sensi Grow A, 8ml Sensi Grow B, 5ml B52, 5ml SensiZym, 5ml Carboload, 5ml RhinoSkin.

Day 30 - Flush medium of mineral build up by passing water through soil,I will use water straight from the tap no sitting out and I will put 40L through my 15L pots with the last 5L containing 5ml Sensi Bloom A, 5ml Sensi Bloom B and 5ml Voodoo juice. The medium will not need watering on day 31.

Day 32 to 35 - 9ml Sensi Bloom A, 9ml Sensi Bloom B,5ml Voodoo Juice,5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload,5ml Calmag.

Day 35 to 40 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml Voodoo Juice, 5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload, 5ml Calmag.

Day 40 to 45 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml B52, 5ml BigBud, 5ml Carboload, 5ml Calmag.

Day 45 to 60 - 10ml Sensi Bloom A, 10ml Sensi Bloom B, 5ml B52, 5ml Overdrive, 5ml Calmag, 10ml Carboload, 10ml Bud Factor X.

Day 60 to 70 - just water with un-PH'd water.
@XxxAuto i did'nt no how to link it bro so i tagged you. Sorry for the hijack tang bro
Does extending the big bud days give you a bigger yield than following the schedule?
Thank you @TaNg for an easy to follow schedule.
I suppose no of days are induvidual for each plant. I have ordered Sensi Grow/Bloom and will change to Sensi permanently. I have used Hesi TNT as veg nute and Canna Terra Flores during flowering, with calmag, P/K, magnesium sulphate. They also get an occational addition og molasses.

My problem is that I don't have the experience to day Ah, now harvest is due in 2 weeks, let me start rinsing with water. I have 2 Super Skunk fra Dutch Passion in flower. They look and behave completely different, as seen in this thread. Two days ago I startet Adv. Nut. Overdrive.

Look through this thread if you have time. Your comments would be very much appreciated.

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with your recent results using your easy feeding schedule tang would you advise there is no need/benefit for this advanced feeding schedule ?
with your recent results using your easy feeding schedule tang would you advise there is no need/benefit for this advanced feeding schedule ?

There's a lot of add ons I'm not buying again for sure.