New Grower Tangie’matic, Ripley’s OG, Stilton Special

posted up in the Infirmary :pass:

other girls looking sweet still.

stuck my finger right in there @archie gemmill
nothing soggy about it, a tad moist at best.

not really sweating it. got two girls in there without so much as a blemish - could be worse :thumbsup:

over 24 hours since i quit smoking, easy so far :pass:

I see your "Lightmix" is a mix of my friend Peat and I found out to my cost that young plants do not like that stuff. So you have soil, which I assume is good growing stuff and not "dead" soil, plus a pre-ferted compost and adding nutes?

I think she's being cooked, you'll maybe have a slightly different mix in that pot so it's just tipped over the balance into an overdose of something. Had that happen once because I didn't RTFL, did a transplant into a fresh and extremely low NPK bio potting compost with coco as the fibre base instead of peat, plant bounced back VERY quickly

Just looked closer at the "Lightmix" site and I see that stuff has a higher pH than I would like (Thanks Peat, you bastard) so knowing pH values will definitely help as there could be a slight lockout because of high pH plus overfeeding giving an excess and/or deficiency, rusty spots, leaves burning, etc, especially if there's a slight difference in how things are mixed plus a plant which just might be more sensitive to these things than others.
@Banjacked appreciate you taking the time to have a look.
I picked the Plagron for simplicity. Seen several very successful grows using it, and using it along with a PH Perfect line of nutes seemed like the simplist way for me to start growing.
Do you think I should be actively looking for a replacement medium and base nutrients/schedule? And transplant this plant at what will be day 22/23?
@Banjacked appreciate you taking the time to have a look.
I picked the Plagron for simplicity. Seen several very successful grows using it, and using it along with a PH Perfect line of nutes seemed like the simplist way for me to start growing.
Do you think I should be actively looking for a replacement medium and base nutrients/schedule? And transplant this plant at what will be day 22/23?

I'd be making sure of my soil pH for starters, maybe cut back on nutes a little just now and see what she does, and I've had to transplant at that age before. It's the new growth coming out a lovely green and then going south that's reminding me of he "WAY too hot" compost I used before, so that's why I think your issues are related to soil pH and richness, especially if you're already adding nutes. As I say, you have it on that plant so it MIGHT just be more sensitive to things like pH and nutrients than the others, might just need plain water to flush things out a bit. Most importantly, don't panic.

If I read the Plagron website properly, you're from north of the border from me so you MIGHT be able to find Agrofina BioNature, soft as hell on the NPK front but has enough in it so the plant doesn't need feeding for at least the first 3-4 weeks, I know it's the only stuff I'm going to use. Worth looking at for the future, and as far as nutes go I have some Potash for a K-Booster and use a generic DIY store "flowering plants" liquid feed every 2nd feed at the stage wee thing below is in who I don't think is complaining.


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Most importantly, don't panic.

:pass: no worries bro, we chillin'.
i could test the run off ph next time i feed 'em. i've not been bothering with checking ph beyond my initial tapwater as i've been using AN PH Perfect stuff so was not planning any amendments if all went to plan. gonna have a look at alternative mediums available in the UK for the next time i need to fill a pot, and review the nutrients i'm running once i get an idea of the ph. if this DG doesn't take off like the others, she'll probably free up enough space to start another anyway so i'm not gonna make any hasty decisions.

nice looking plant :bow: what is she?

anyway the pots were dry last night and i'm thinkin' i was maybe drying them out a little too much. CDLC and Sour Livers had 500ml each of 1ml per litre of Bloom A&B, CalMag and Voodoo Juice - their biggest drink by far but the medium definitely need the soak. lots of run off. DG had 600ml run through the pot with only 50% of the same nutes added. they've drooped a little, but this was maybe 4x more fluids than they've had before. i'll guess this'll keep 'em going until Friday.

much more satisfying week this one - check out this comparison shot between the past 6 days;

Days 14, 13 and 12 (sorry it's sideways i spent too long trying to fix it sorry sorry)


Days 20, 19 and 18


That little bush of mine? Paradise Seeds Pandora in a 10L pot under a DIY light that cost me under €30 in parts (SMD 5730 strip and a power supply), some cable I had lying around, an old computer case side panel, solder and string. All high tech stuff, ye know.

Feeding schedules are like recipe books, they're fine as a guide, but since every plant is different, even two different seeds from the same plant in the same year can be "different", so that means the needs insofar as individual plants goes is always different. But if you're getting "lots of runoff" when throwing in only half a litre then these pots are WAY too small (doubtful) or you have a bigger problem because if the water is running straight through with only a bollock hair under a pint of water then nothing is being absorbed. Never used airpots before, so don't know how the behave but something is up if the water's flowing straight out.

As I say, look for a medium that isn't mostly peat and you'll likely find things are less "temperamental". And remember that it's always easier to add food than remove it, so keeping an eye on plants and their environment is a must as the plant will tell you what it needs/doesn't need. Never follow manufacturers' instructions on feeding, start lower levels and work up IF NECESSARY as the plant evolves, again she'll tell you what she needs and pics you put up in the infirmary thread look more to me like excess of some nutes rather than dry and/or deficient, which is why I wonder if that one plant is just a tad more "fussy" (come on, it's female, of course it is) than the others regarding what it's given.

It's a bugger of a learning curve, but it's worth it in the end.
That little bush of mine? Paradise Seeds Pandora in a 10L pot under a DIY light that cost me under €30 in parts (SMD 5730 strip and a power supply), some cable I had lying around, an old computer case side panel, solder and string. All high tech stuff, ye know.

not familiar with Paradise stuff mate but she looks great...even more so for the budget you've spent! :clapper: it'll be some time until i'll be comfortable enough to experiment and achieve results like that - respect to you sir. :toke:

Feeding schedules are like recipe books, they're fine as a guide, but since every plant is different, even two different seeds from the same plant in the same year can be "different", so that means the needs insofar as individual plants goes is always different. But if you're getting "lots of runoff" when throwing in only half a litre then these pots are WAY too small (doubtful) or you have a bigger problem because if the water is running straight through with only a bollock hair under a pint of water then nothing is being absorbed. Never used airpots before, so don't know how the behave but something is up if the water's flowing straight out.

i quickly learned that the nicely drawn up calendars i put together in preparation were a complete waste of time :spels: but laying out a timeline helped get my head around things a tad easier.

admittedly i was surprised at the amount of runoff myself, but i did note a good percentage was from watering toward the edges of the pots leading to instant drainage via the air holes nearer the top. found slow watering helps, and i took my sweet time over it yesterday. i think there's just enough about this lightmix to hold in the required moisture.

As I say, look for a medium that isn't mostly peat and you'll likely find things are less "temperamental". And remember that it's always easier to add food than remove it, so keeping an eye on plants and their environment is a must as the plant will tell you what it needs/doesn't need. Never follow manufacturers' instructions on feeding, start lower levels and work up IF NECESSARY as the plant evolves, again she'll tell you what she needs and pics you put up in the infirmary thread look more to me like excess of some nutes rather than dry and/or deficient, which is why I wonder if that one plant is just a tad more "fussy" (come on, it's female, of course it is) than the others regarding what it's given.

It's a bugger of a learning curve, but it's worth it in the end.

i try my best to take a "less-is-more" approach on things, growing is no exception. appreciate the tips, hope you hang around to see how these ladies develop. :vibes:
not familiar with Paradise stuff mate but she looks great...even more so for the budget you've spent! :clapper: it'll be some time until i'll be comfortable enough to experiment and achieve results like that - respect to you sir. :toke:

i quickly learned that the nicely drawn up calendars i put together in preparation were a complete waste of time :spels: but laying out a timeline helped get my head around things a tad easier.

admittedly i was surprised at the amount of runoff myself, but i did note a good percentage was from watering toward the edges of the pots leading to instant drainage via the air holes nearer the top. found slow watering helps, and i took my sweet time over it yesterday. i think there's just enough about this lightmix to hold in the required moisture.

i try my best to take a "less-is-more" approach on things, growing is no exception. appreciate the tips, hope you hang around to see how these ladies develop. :vibes:

Took me over a year to get to this stage, with "more than one" failure, the trick is not making the same mistake twice. You just confirmed what I thought about them pots which tells me I'll have to be more careful when I get my new fabric pots because, obviously, water will go out the sides there too. Sometimes it's the little things that make a difference and just being able to get the water to get close to coming out the bottom will make a difference to the root system, drainage, etc.

And I'm watched in, you'll find mine here, , as it's also the evolution of how I discover the "best" colour, setup, etc, on a super tightasacamelsarseinasandstorm budget which gives me some fun experimenting with things as I slip further into crippledom.

sideways pictures grumble grumble

Day 21 for Double Grape, 20 for Sour Livers and 19 for the Creme De La Creme.

Sour Livers proudly displaying her lady bits on day 19 - there's a terrible attempt at photographing a few posts up ^

Switched on a second cob. Pulled 'em both back up to 55cm away. A few rusty spots appearing on older fan leaves on the CDLC, i suspect it's related to increased lighting.

Day 4 of no nicotine and it ain't as easy anymore :haha: