New Grower Tangie’matic, Ripley’s OG, Stilton Special


all three got a feed last night, Sensi Bloom A&B, CalMag and Voodoo Juice at 1ml per litre - just under 100ml to each. seem happy enough this morning. also added in some additional lightmix on the top layers to increase support of my stretchy girlies;

Double Grape - Day 15
1st out of the ground but now the smallest of the three, whatever happened with the first set of leaves caused it to slow down some. new growth all nice and clean, very light canoeing possibly since lowering the light, but the other two seem to love it so maybe i'm just seeing a spot of the Crinkle genetics creeping through?


Sour Livers - Day 14
my pride and joy so far, other than being on the tall side (my photography lies - both the DG and the SL are 5-6" tall :haha:) she exhibits the strongest growth of the three.


CDLC - Day 13
happy with this one, ahead of the DG and just behind the fatty Livers. slightly less leggy than the others. i have an almost happy anxiety about this one; stardawgs and chemdogs are a big favourite in my circle and i have high hopes that this strain really could be the creme de la chem...


bit of a group shot :pass:


all three got a feed last night, Sensi Bloom A&B, CalMag and Voodoo Juice at 1ml per litre - just under 100ml to each. seem happy enough this morning. also added in some additional lightmix on the top layers to increase support of my stretchy girlies;

Double Grape - Day 15
1st out of the ground but now the smallest of the three, whatever happened with the first set of leaves caused it to slow down some. new growth all nice and clean, very light canoeing possibly since lowering the light, but the other two seem to love it so maybe i'm just seeing a spot of the Crinkle genetics creeping through?

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Sour Livers - Day 14
my pride and joy so far, other than being on the tall side (my photography lies - both the DG and the SL are 5-6" tall :haha:) she exhibits the strongest growth of the three.

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CDLC - Day 13
happy with this one, ahead of the DG and just behind the fatty Livers. slightly less leggy than the others. i have an almost happy anxiety about this one; stardawgs and chemdogs are a big favourite in my circle and i have high hopes that this strain really could be the creme de la chem...

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bit of a group shot :pass:

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Looking great! Ready for my seedling to take off. A bit slow going so far
Looking great! Ready for my seedling to take off. A bit slow going so far

thanks bro. yours will take off...they seem so slow at the start. i've taken a photo of each one every day for comparison and that helps - especially when you get to compare a weeks worth of growth.

i go in to @Seabass new grow and see his Double Grape is twice as far along as mine in the same time frame - but then i think about it; Seabass has had a bunch of harvests under his belt, he has experience with the kit he is using and has a far better understanding of the whole process than me. i'm taking mental notes about the mistakes i've identified so far, but i should list them here for my own future reference...

Sub-optimal air flow for the first week ~ i should have waited until i set up my extraction system before germination. i think this, coupled with a 80%rh is responsible for the dodgy first set of leaves on my DG which caused a good 2-3 day stall.
Lighting height ~ initially too high and too dim because of being over cautious. resulted in lots of stretch, which i'm guessing would slow down other development.

i guess the point i'm trying make is that while we are still learning about lighting, mediums, nutes and our environments, if our plants look healthy enough and show growth, even slowly, we are doing alright.

all the best :pass:
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happy Friday AFN :pass:

not much to report here, all three just started sprouting side branches. they're slow, but looking happy enough.

i'm not convinced my Plagron Lightmix has the greatest drainage properties. I haven't added more than 300ml of water/feeds combined in just over two weeks to each of the girls but the soil never seems dry below the first centimetre or two. could be responsible for slower growth? possibly add additional perlite for future grows to help?
i chose Plagron Lightmix because it seemed the most simple option. seen dozens of @TaNg grows absolutely killing it with this soil also in larger pots with a similar low watering/feed regime and this is my attempt at following that style. i know TaNg has moved away from using this soil after many years and i wonder if there was a change in the product that influenced a switch...

:vibes: to all
happy Friday AFN :pass:

not much to report here, all three just started sprouting side branches. they're slow, but looking happy enough.

i'm not convinced my Plagron Lightmix has the greatest drainage properties. I haven't added more than 300ml of water/feeds combined in just over two weeks to each of the girls but the soil never seems dry below the first centimetre or two. could be responsible for slower growth? possibly add additional perlite for future grows to help?
i chose Plagron Lightmix because it seemed the most simple option. seen dozens of @TaNg grows absolutely killing it with this soil also in larger pots with a similar low watering/feed regime and this is my attempt at following that style. i know TaNg has moved away from using this soil after many years and i wonder if there was a change in the product that influenced a switch...

:vibes: to all

Hey man ;)

Have you lifted the pots? I tried to gauge the weight before and after my first soak before planting. I now go off that. My soil can still be darkish and a bit damp just under the surface but still be substantially lighter than straight after the water. A probe could also be the way to go!

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Don’t get discouraged. And I wouldn’t worry about anything just yet. When you grow from seed, every plant is different. There are also a number of other factors that can determine growth rates that you might not even be thinking about or able to control. From the pictures, you posted yesterday, your plants look healthy as can be. Just keep doing what you’re doing and before long, you will knee deep in awesome bud.
the first proper set or oldest leaves often rest ontop the soil/get the odd splash of nutes,and go a bit manky,normal for me.
a lot of us thats been at it longer than Seabass,would like to grow like Seabass :toke:
depends on general environment how long the dome stays on,can cause more harm than good in my area...cold wet and misserable is the general weather outlook.
Tang :toke: is a master grower,hes listed full instructions so much detail,and yet nobody can come close copying to a t right down to the lights.i think Tang just looked at cheaper/easier option and got the same results as allways.
i used biobizz lightmax long time,tried a 50L bag of plagron lightmix,think the bag was 2.5kg heavier than 50L biobizz.i found it claggy and very sandy even though i love me perlight it were still a heavy mix.
good luck n keep er lit
Hey man ;)

Have you lifted the pots? I tried to gauge the weight before and after my first soak before planting. I now go off that. My soil can still be darkish and a bit damp just under the surface but still be substantially lighter than straight after the water. A probe could also be the way to go!

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hey bro, thanks for checking in.
I’ve been lifting ‘em yeh...bit tougher to gauge with these bigger pots. it’s more the fact I haven’t used a litre of water yet and they’re in their third week :coffee:

didn’t water the soil upon prep or fact I made up the pots 3-4 days before the seeds met them

all a bit weird to me but they don’t look thirsty so we will just go with it!

Don’t get discouraged. And I wouldn’t worry about anything just yet. When you grow from seed, every plant is different. There are also a number of other factors that can determine growth rates that you might not even be thinking about or able to control. From the pictures, you posted yesterday, your plants look healthy as can be. Just keep doing what you’re doing and before long, you will knee deep in awesome bud.

thanks dude, I think it’s just normal new grower anxieties! trying to optimise everything whilst considering as many variables as possible.

thanks for checking in dude :pass:

the first proper set or oldest leaves often rest ontop the soil/get the odd splash of nutes,and go a bit manky,normal for me.
a lot of us thats been at it longer than Seabass,would like to grow like Seabass :toke:
depends on general environment how long the dome stays on,can cause more harm than good in my area...cold wet and misserable is the general weather outlook.
Tang :toke: is a master grower,hes listed full instructions so much detail,and yet nobody can come close copying to a t right down to the lights.i think Tang just looked at cheaper/easier option and got the same results as allways.
i used biobizz lightmax long time,tried a 50L bag of plagron lightmix,think the bag was 2.5kg heavier than 50L biobizz.i found it claggy and very sandy even though i love me perlight it were still a heavy mix.
good luck n keep er lit

cheers Archie
was just using these growers as they seem to have optimised their style and have well documented it - they’re very high standards to set but if I don’t aim high, I miss completely :doh:

interesting observation on the Plagron versus Bioblizz...I’d definitely like to lighten it up some for next time and I’ll be needing another bag if I don’t recycle this stuff. thanks bro :thanks:

waited an extra day to give water and feed, just to see if they’d ask for it. just a little more development to the side branches to report.

the Double Grape, fussy cow, has very slightly burned/yellow tips on the true leaves. has had them since before nutes but the only one of the three to show any discontent with the soil. she has had two very light feeds (>1ml per L) but I’m wondering if just plain water this time around would be more beneficial?

feeding time later, will get some pics.
aiming high and setting standards is all good and well.but to set the standards of a master grower thats plants and pics are used for seed bank catologues,is just setting yourself up for a disapointment.
its like asking a kid not to fall off a bike when you take the stabilizers off for the first realistic
growing is more feel than science.just like the way overwatering and underwatering can look similar,but they are opposites :shrug: a first grow is about avoiding disaster,making it to harvest,and getting a few buds.grow 2,3,4,5 are for adjusting and tweeking.
a spare potted up pot sat in the corner somewhere thats never been watered,is my reference pot.some 250/500/1L bottles of water that i can set ontop of dry pot and gauge what my pots with plants in them have.plant A dry pot + 500ml its fine,feed tomorrow.plant B its heavy dry pot + 1L bottle,it dont need fed 2,3 days.plant C its almost as light as dry pot in corner,it needs watered now.
the first few weeks are slow,need very lil water compare to what they drink when they 3 foot tall.
a new grower will learn more from other new growers than a master average grower will learn a lot from a master grower.other new growers are having same/similar issues to yourself,things a master grower seldomly has to deal with.
sorry its a lot to get your head round,growing is easy its just a weed :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit.