Sweet Seeds Sweet Trainwreck [Tickets Please!]

:passit: Blooo lovie, I should have sent seeds to you when it was Good Times (20/20 hindsight!) :doh: :rofl:... you need freshies! Talk to Tommy/Jp/Apolo, they can get things to you fastest, if this one flag and drags,...
3+ years in the fridge though, that's not so bad,... I dunno, some Meph' crosses I have in that range were poor showing too despite the fridge lodging! Some just seem to lose vitality fast...:shrug:
Hopefully this one will gather momentum and get up to snuff :goodluck: ... how's the T's now?
@blue I think I remember you saying before this grow that you wanted to do something pretty fast as your next grow.
Is that why you chose something from Sweet?
In my very limited experience, I have found that Sweet strains are mostly pretty darn fast, and also close to the breeder times.
Not huge plants, but good for a quick grow to harvest.

Has anybody else found that? I think it's interesting info for when we have very limited time frames for a grow.
Oh Hi Everyone! :D this trains starting to build up some steam!!


@Waira - they're soooo old! 2017 series! :rofl: ... I'm working with what i got!! ^_^ The other two seeds just didn't sprout - straight to soil and no show!! It must be an old age thing!

I'll be honest ... It's not looking totally hopeful ... but you never know!! :rofl:

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10 days old .. and some slightly mutant leaves!

We'll have to wait and see!!

Hey hey blue :pass:
I have some old beans from 2012, they dont seem to want to germinate either. Kept them in rice in the frig:baked: that mutant leaf plant, hope it grows out of that for ya. :bighug: sounds like we both need to reload our stock:smokeit:

Cheers homie :pass:
Maybe things are picking up, and i'm just being a negative nancy!! :rofl:


3+ years in the fridge though,

Fridge!!! BwaaaHahaha - You've mistaken me for some kind of professional or at least a slightly sensible person!! No .. these were all tighttly stuffed in a bubble wrap envelope under the ole' bed!! .... When this beds a rocking .. the seeds take a Knockin .. if ya know what i mean :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@blue I think I remember you saying before this grow that you wanted to do something pretty fast as your next grow.
Is that why you chose something from Sweet?

Hey SM!! :D - Yeah that's exactly it - my fastest ever grow was crystal candy at just over sixty days and big and done! :D ...beautful! Love them sweets!

I traded the family cow for my beans.

Wait a minute ..... I KNOW you!!!

... and for completion.

Blue ^_^
:crying: You and Magoo! :doh: :haha: ...killin' me!
Fridge!!! BwaaaHahaha - You've mistaken me for some kind of professional or at least a slightly sensible person!! No .. these were all tighttly stuffed in a bubble wrap envelope under the ole' bed!! .... When this beds a rocking .. the seeds take a Knockin .. if ya know what i mean :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:face: :rofl: no wonder,... they have been scarred for life even before they are born! :rofl:
...just wrap them in foil and tuck them in a corner of the fridge :rolleyes2: