Indoor Stunted grows stuff

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Oh and even if I have posted in your thread there is a good chance I will forget it a few minutes after posting :confused:
/Serious mode de-activated

Stunted Memory
Smilies%20Smoking%20a%20Weed.gif kill me bro!!!...
The BlueStreak (BS - J) was pollinated using the original BS male pollen and S60 - F was pollinated with some BS (2 buds) and the original S60 pollen (2 buds), they were pollinated on the 3 March and looks like it has worked as many pistils are now shriveling :)
sending loads of good heathy seed karma to ya my friend!!...
Thanks Mr.NS :)
Just hope I can keep them alive long enough to get good seeds...I normally pollinate way earlier than I have this time.

Not much of an update, stuff is growing, stuff is dying on its own and sometimes I help them...sorta like assisted suicide.

S60 - D terminated at day 41, hermie shit thing
For a plant at day 41 it sure has a kick in it :P

And here is my little mutant S60 - XIV

Stunted Alien

Anyone wanna see a picture of my hairy pussy?
Hilarious bro, i almost blew the water through the bowl in my bong while i was reading this, now i know better then to try and rip and read ur shit at the same time peace :peace:
this is the sweetest little mutant i've every seen bro!!...that thing is just too kool!!...
That mutant looks like a 3 leaf clover,your luck might be changin!
I had a little mutant like that, but it quit growing 3 after the 3rd node. There's a guy on here who has a sour60 doing the exact same thing. Looks like they may have created a monster!

LOL "assisted suicide"!!!
I would like to present the following video for your enjoyment while I sort out some form of real update, you should be well stoned before playing it.....there is no freaky popup and scare you shit in it.


Stunted Promise
8 March 2012
Day 19

Well the little burnt ones have all made a comeback and are looking pretty reasonable considering what they have been put through :)
They are a little behind growth wise but not that much imo, they all range from 2.5 to 3.25 inches in height now.

What concerns me the most is that none have shown sex yet, normally by day 19 most of my S60's show sex...maybe the PH bitchslap delayed flowering a bit.
And I have never had an S60 not auto-flower as yet, only time will tell.
P.S. I would just like to point out here that I will not be changing to 12/12, I am growing "Auto's" and the light stays at 18/6. If the plants don't like it then I will put the fkn lot and just miss a 20 day cycle........:P

Stunted Cranky
They will auto ...just give them a chance. Looking good my friend.
It's all good TBM, just calm down and smoke a bowl.
As I said I am not shitty about it at all, and since you didn't have time to PM me that is also fine :P
All I really wanted to know was why, and now I know..... thanks
So if any of the confused mods reads this, I was not trying to make your life hard, was just pissing around.

Stunted Mods