Indoor Stunted grows stuff

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Well I have put off the update long enough :P

There was/is a serious PH problem that has hit many plants and sprouts hard.

S60 - I = looks good (day 8)
S60 - II = burnt leaf tips (day 8)
S60 - III = good (day 8)
S60 - IV = burnt leaf tips (day 8)
S60 - V = burnt leaf tips (day 8)
S60 - VI = burnt leaf tips (day 8)
S60 - VII = twisted leaves (day 7)
S60 - VIII = twisted leaves (day 7)
S60 - IX = good (day 7)
S60 - X = twisted leaves (day 7)
S60 - XI = missing....(day 7)
S60 - XII = burnt leaf tips (day 7)

BS - J - 3.5in (Day 32)
Reasonably good green color, many red/purple leaf stems but no twisted leaves.
Lower leaves dying from having dips in fert mix when watering :P
For some reason the plant fell over and should be around 5in tall...but its still living.

S60 - C - 11in (Day 32)
Overall light green color with some slight leaf twisting at top of plant.
Most fan leaves went yellow and fell off.

S60 - D - 5.5in (Day 32)
Overall light green color, many leaves yellowing and dropping.
There are a few twisted leaves mostly in the middle.
Two of the side branches out grew the top that stayed stunted and was very compact.
What looked like a hermi ball sack was removed from the center of the plant.
Keeping a close eye out for more, and more will mean termination.

S60 - E - 10in (Day 32)
Overall light green color, top of plant is malformed and has many twisted leaves.
Many of the fan leaves have yellowed and died.

S60 - F - 13in (Day 32)
Overall light green color, most big fan leaves have either dropped or are dying.

S60 - H - 11in (Day 31)
Mostly a good green color, big fan leaves have red/purple stems and are yellowing.

<hmmm photo missing>

S60 - i - 12in (Day 30)
Mostly a good green color, big fan leaves are yellowing and dying.

And finally a cabinet shot.

Stunted Eyesocket
All the sprouts are still alive, some have recovered faster than others and are doing reasonably well.
The slower sprouts better get a move on or I will rip them out as another 11 beans are now soaking
The new ones need to be in my cab on the 9th or 10th of this month to keep on schedule :P

S60 - C has been terminated at day 35 for trying to grow dicks everywhere
S60 - D has not grown any more ball looking things and is still in my cab but flowering seems slow

Watching them all like a hawk now as I expect more ballage is likely to occur on others....

As yet I am not sure why the PH dropped so low (or went high) but I do know a few facts :P
1: All plants where affected so it must have been a full flush
2: As it was a full flush day what went in should have been plain PHed water
3: The date it happened was the 21st as that was the weekly flush day for the females
4: Since my tap water is above 5.8 I would have used PH Down to get it there
5: Stunted is stupid, just ask me mum!

Now that I think about it there is always the possibility the PH went up.....coulda grabbed the PH UP and read the PH Meter backwards (8.5 lol)
I could come up with all sorts of possible scenarios but we all know Stunted did it.

But in Stunted's defense, growing where he lives is nearly as hard a task as a cat trying to bury shit in concrete!

Someone should kill Summer in Oz

Stunted Pussy


Oh I nearly forgot to post that one of the plants (S60 - F) smells like pink Hubba Bubba bubblegum (, but I have to rub a bud then shove my finger right up my nose till my eye bulges.....hope it gets stronger :)
lovin your updates bro!!!..:smokebuds:...keep them comin!!!..:lol:...:thumbs:
1 March 2012

S60 - VII terminated for being stunted (day 11)
S60 - X terminated for being stunted (day 11)
S60 - XI still mia, sent in search party with sniffer dogs and found nothing. Now considered dead. (day 11)
S60 - XII terminated for being stunted (day 11)
Also one other S60 in a plastic noodle cup was terminated for being stunted (day 13)

Well that's enough killing for one day :)

Stunted Terminator
sorry to hear about the deaths in the family! well mr teminator.................maybe you should try the phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range!

Ive hit up some HBD - so hopefully (fingers crossed) will have some new seeds for you to play with before too long...

Some consistent (ly not shit) weather would be handy too!

Sounds like a plan Glaucoma :jump:
(edit: watch for DPI, we have loads of them here now. Stupid fruitfly...)
Hope you got your plants inside before it hit..
And I hear ya on the weather, we have had some rain huh...
It should be gone by Sunday arvo then we have a week of 25C that makes me happy

Time to look my babies and see if I need to kill some more :P

Stunted Weather
Your a killin machine bro lol!
And there is plenty more to kill, I have eight more that should show sex in the next few days (day 15 today) and the sooner the better.
I have added another eight little sprouts today and they should be through the hydroton in the next couple of days.

Still need to squeeze in another 10 somehow :)


And today I found the perfect technique for cleaning the inside of my Cooltube and Bulb, the trick is to grab a pair or two of panties and feed them into the cooltube and let them waft around in the suction thus performing the cleaning. Remember folks, not good when the light is on or the Shebeast is home!

I can see it now......She who must be obeyed walks in the room just far enough to see me vigorously moving my arm about and says "What the hell are you doin"
So I would then have to stand up and face her with two pairs of her undergarments in my hand....
How the fuck do I explain that it's not what it looks like...especially because I would have half a woody from looking at my plants!

Stunted Undies

stunted........................your killin me!:crying:panties:crying:are they out of the laundry or fresh?