Dinafem St .tom runs a cookie solo cup again

also a big welcome to @Jimmythenugg this is going to be my new solo thread as were having a fuck about grow just for fun with a few of us with dinafem strains I'm running cookies again and if ya wanna get some tips id love yas to tag along
previous cookie harvests
also just for comparison these were my last 3 solo cookies i grew


cookie no4 June 2020
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Oooooh it's the secret mix!!
Coco and clay pebbles!!
Now I'm in quandary, straight coco as I normally grow, coco and clay pebbles, Coco and Seramis, or just Clay substrate (pebbles or seramis).
Is that a 50/50 mix?
yes mate it was a canna 50/50 pebble mix am using a new coco mix now as i find it always better for drainage than just standard lone coco and this other is again 60 / 40 but this stuff it says pre buffered etc and i seemed to fuck my plants at first as i never rinsed the coco as we canna i never do so I'm just going to finish this bag and go back to canna
I used to use canna pro but It always looks a bit iffy when you get bags of coco wrapped in black plastic. The delivery driver is bound to know it is soil/coco, I guess I don't like anyone knowing my business.

10 coinz (pucks) make 1 liter. 50 Liters in a box

The box is fairly small and no one will think it is coco when it arrive in the brown box. it is also convenient to store in my flat, where space is limited!
I usually add perlite 4:1 coc to perlite and was using Grow Stones made from recycled glass which had more air than any other aerating substrate.
I don't think grow stones are still around, a shame as it used recycled glass and was a good product.
Coco coinz is decent coco washed. aged and buffered!
Almost finished refurbishing my grow cab, too many plants now to fit in my 2' x 2'.
Just need to do the door with mylar and the jobs a good'un.
Here is a couple of pics.

Up top
Oversized Rhino filter
SanLight S4W
DSCN5610 (FILEminimizer).JPG

Down low
Shiny bubble mylar
A couple of S4W's leaning at the side.
Current only have one S4W in the cab but had to order more ratchet hangers as the 300W COB now resides in the 2' x 2' tent.
So I'll add another S4W when they arrive.
DSCN5611 (FILEminimizer).JPG
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I used to use canna pro but It always looks a bit iffy when you get bags of coco wrapped in black plastic. The delivery driver is bound to know it is soil/coco, I guess I don't like anyone knowing my business.
View attachment 1181464
10 coinz (pucks) make 1 liter. 50 Liters in a box

The box is fairly small and no one will think it is coco when it arrive in the brown box. it is also convenient to store in my flat, where space is limited!
I usually add perlite 4:1 coc to perlite and was using Grow Stones made from recycled glass which had more air than any other aerating substrate.
I don't think grow stones are still around, a shame as it used recycled glass and was a good product.
Coco coinz is decent coco washed. aged and buffered!
Almost finished refurbishing my grow cab, too many plants now to fit in my 2' x 2'.
Just need to do the door with mylar and the jobs a good'un.
Here is a couple of pics.

Up top
Oversized Rhino filter
SanLight S4W
View attachment 1181465

Down low
Shiny bubble mylar
A couple of S4W's leaning at the side.
Current only have one S4W in the cab but had to order more ratchet hangers as the 300W COB now resides in the 2' x 2' tent.
So I'll add another S4W when they arrive.
View attachment 1181466
that looks classy pal well done also when i buy my coco it comes in a cardboard box also I've got a front and back garden and in summer my wife always in the garden so i don't think an odd bag of soil would set the neighbours curiosity but i see the logic and your thinking ahead as you gotta be smart in are game and I'm going to check the coco coins out they look decent and have you see how high coco has gone up 2 its sky rocketed
that looks classy pal well done also when i buy my coco it comes in a cardboard box also I've got a front and back garden and in summer my wife always in the garden so i don't think an odd bag of soil would set the neighbours curiosity but i see the logic and your thinking ahead as you gotta be smart in are game and I'm going to check the coco coins out they look decent and have you see how high coco has gone up 2 its sky rocketed
if you see the bricks of plagron coco i can recommend them iv used them before :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
if you see the bricks of plagron coco i can recommend them iv used them before :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
thanks pal also i don't suppose you have a cookie seed or any dinafem strain to just join me vapo and arty zan on are 3 amigos grow off just for fun
that looks classy pal well done also when i buy my coco it comes in a cardboard box also I've got a front and back garden and in summer my wife always in the garden so i don't think an odd bag of soil would set the neighbours curiosity but i see the logic and your thinking ahead as you gotta be smart in are game and I'm going to check the coco coins out they look decent and have you see how high coco has gone up 2 its sky rocketed
Lockdown =Growtown
My pal was saying just before the lock down the local hydro store pretty much sold out!!
Just had a quick look and saw a 50 liter bag canna pro for £25 plus £5 postage reduced from £40 LMAO!!:yoinks:
Greens Hydro have it for £12.95:hump:
£15 for coco coinz & free delivery.

Cab is finished, just fired it up, everything is working fine!!!
Cuppa tea, a vape and post some posts and I'll put the girls in there!

if you see the bricks of plagron coco i can recommend them iv used them before :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Plagron are totally reputable!!
Not used their coco myself but anything plagron make is decent stuff!
I'll give them a go.
Looks to be a good price too!
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