Indoor Dinafem's 2019 Solo Cup Challenge .....Bonus competition best final pic

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Some beautiful Solo Cup Challenge girls in this thread :thumbsup:

The thread will be locked at midnight I believe with the top 3 picture winners announced via the public vote :pass:

You guys and girls have put on a fine show and have not made selecting the winner easy, That's for sure :thumbsup:

A massive well dome to everyone that played along. Your all winners in my book :cheers:

Good luck everyone :worship:

All the best :bong:

the poll is complete 1st st.tom with 21 votes 2nd @Splitty37 with 18 votes and joint 3rd is @Mañ'O'Green and @Only1Sky so a big congratulations all around and thanks for all the people who voted
1st st.tom.jpg
2nd splitty37.jpg
joint 3r only1sky.png
joint 3rd manofgreen.png
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