Indoor SS Blue Himalaya coco grow journal

Today was her first day feeding 50/50 grow and bloom at full ppm. I also measured her and she is 16" tall. The breeder says they rarely grow over 15" tall so I am pretty excited. I hope she doesn't grow too much more. She is already busting out of my small cabinet.
she is looking great ! you may need a bigger cabnet by the looks of things !
Hopefully the stretch is over and rest is bud growth
So far the stretch continues. I checked her first thing this morning and now she is up to 18" tall. I hope changing up the grow nutes slows her down a bit
They often get a bit bigger in coco bud......maybe bend her about while she is still supple?

Breeders estimates on size and yield don't always work out in hydro as you can get higher growth rates than in soil so size depends on how good you are doing. With your first few autos you get an idea of how your grows shape up compared to estimates and give you a better idea of eventual size.
I was thinking of tying her down a bit. If she continues to stretch past this week I will have no choice.
20" tall now and she is drinking like a champ. I think I will stop any grow nutes and feed her straight bloom as well as feed her twice a day. I came home today and found the top 1/4 of the plant drooping. She def needs more water
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She is 31 days old this morning. The following pic is from Sunday


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For shits and giggles I just snapped this pic of her. I am really wishing I tied her down before the big stretch. She has grown to be only 6" or so from her light and I don't have much more room to give her.