New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Great job thinking ahead about the temperature control !

Its been the real test these past 3 days and nights, there has been no messing about with the frost, full-on super freezing...coldest frost I've seen for a few years in our area .
This is the one I'm going to get, very inexpensive for what it is. I've been caught out by a few warm days and cold ones when I've set the temps to high/ there should be no temp spikes when I get this...

Its been the real test these past 3 days and nights, there has been no messing about with the frost, full-on super freezing...coldest frost I've seen for a few years in our area .
This is the one I'm going to get, very inexpensive for what it is. I've been caught out by a few warm days and cold ones when I've set the temps to high/ there should be no temp spikes when I get this...

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I need one of those with a us plug!
Temp Up date
Well my loft (attic) grow has had its first real test with low temps. Over the passed 3 nights the temps have been dropping in my part of the UK below freezing every night and last night being the coldest. Out side a full-on winter frost and the ambient temp in the loft was 4c at its lowest, the tent had lows of 21c and highs of 25c. That's with my 80w tube heater on full and my hoxbox on just over half power. I would call that a success and I have not even boxed the tent in yet. I'm looking forward to seeing how it keeps the heat in when I do.
I got a lot of warning about growing through the winter in a UK loft but I think I'm all over that heating now...bring on the super mega gonna be the coldest in living history white winter the tabloid papers keep telling us we shall be getting (they said the same last year.) doubt they will try and blame it on immigration.
My best tip for any one wanting to grow in a loft space is to build a hotbox like mine and have your intake air come of the house into the box then into the tent, lovely warm air. And have a tube heater on floor keeping them pots warm.
I am investing on thermostat controllers for my heaters this week so i don't have to keep checking the controls, stick them on full and let the controller do its job.
Dude you would hate Chicago its 60 degrees one day then below freezing the next lol. We get the artic blast of -50 degrees every so often.
Dude you would hate Chicago its 60 degrees one day then below freezing the next lol. We get the artic blast of -50 degrees every so often.

And there's me moaning about a little the saying go's in the UK "fuck that for a game of soldiers"
And there's me moaning about a little the saying go's in the UK "fuck that for a game of soldiers"
Yeah I always say you haven't seen winter till you been to the great white north. So cold your snot freezes. I remember 2011 we got a snow storm so bad they shut the city down we had almost 27 inchs of snow and lake shore drive that runs along lake Michigan had cars stuck for 3 miles it took 5 days to dig out the lake shore and I lived a block from the lake.
Yeah I always say you haven't seen winter till you been to the great white north. So cold your snot freezes. I remember 2011 we got a snow storm so bad they shut the city down we had almost 27 inchs of snow and lake shore drive that runs along lake Michigan had cars stuck for 3 miles it took 5 days to dig out the lake shore and I lived a block from the lake.

I've had a good taste of your winters, I have family in Toronto and have spent many a winter there as a child. Its been since the 80's since I've done one but I remember them well, my uncle digging us out of the house with a snow drift that covered the front door then getting in his car and going to work...we get a dusting on the ground in the UK and it grinds to a halt.
I've had a good taste of your winters, I have family in Toronto and have spent many a winter there as a child. Its been since the 80's since I've done one but I remember them well, my uncle digging us out of the house with a snow drift that covered the front door then getting in his car and going to work...we get a dusting on the ground in the UK and it grinds to a halt.
Oh shit I didnt know you been to Canada its a winter hell land up there lol. Im moving to mexico lol fuck trump.
Oh shit I didnt know you been to Canada its a winter hell land up there lol. Im moving to mexico lol fuck trump.

Don't worry we the UK will offer asylum to all US citizens if the worst comes to pass then I think we shall build a wall across the pond to keep the Trump-ites out...The AFN refugee camp can be in my back garden