New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Its been a few days and I've been trying to find the time to do an up date

Grow 1.0... R.I.P 90 days old
Well its done, my first grow is over all chopped and drying. What a wonderful journey that was, and an amazing learning curve...I'm fucking seriously hooked on this growing lark now... why oh why did it take me so long to get on board

Plant 2 last photo shoot
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This is what she gave me, there was quite a lot of fluffy bud in the center. It was very late at night when she got the chop and i was a little stoned and i forgot to get the wet weight but I recon she gave about the same as plant 3 as she has taken up the same amount of paper bags. So around 15oz wet.
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Grow 1.2 Day 68

Even though these girls are behind they are not a disappointment in the production and grow of buds, the AK49 is going to be a good harvest if i can get her there.

Big Easy - A little behind the other 2, she is at maximum height in the tent if not a bit to close to the light.
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I did find this on her some of her top leaves. I did a check and think it might be to much nutes (she is showing a very little amount of nute burn on the tips...very small amount) so she just got water on her last water. I could be wrong... @jingo you be the man who's would know what this could be ?... its on the the leaves on the main cola up top closest to the light.
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I have had these 2 plants mixed up for sometime as my labeling fell off but now they are in full bloom I'm pretty sure its Big Easy (on left) AK49 (on the right)
Now these lady's are having a great time, if a little squashed in the tent. The AK49 is starting to really smell, gluey come to mind. And she is super sticky.
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As you can see they all just about fit
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nice harvest man!:slap:
how close were your Mars to the top canopy before you raised them? and how far are they now?
The girls are fattening up also!
hey bro Have you seen the Festivus Celebration thread? and Have you seen the prizes they are planning on giving away? DAYUM!! its crazy bro if you or anyone else hasnt seen it go check it out!

nice harvest man!:slap:
how close were your Mars to the top canopy before you raised them? and how far are they now?
The girls are fattening up also!
hey bro Have you seen the Festivus Celebration thread? and Have you seen the prizes they are planning on giving away? DAYUM!! its crazy bro if you or anyone else hasnt seen it go check it out!

Thank you for the slap :pass:
The were about 5-8" depending on the plant. They just got away from me in the stretch. All sorted now got rid of the winches for the lights and gained a good 8" (at max high now). Much better spread from the 600w Mars classic now.
Up date
Grow 1.2 day 70

All 3 had a water and feed (4ml PM Old Timer Bloom, 1ml cal-mag, 1.5ml AV Big Bud) 5ltr each, plenty of run off on the 2 Big Easys but not so much on the AK49, she is a mighty thirsty girl.
Did a bit more defoliation to open there middle up a bit. I had too much fluffy bud on the last harvest on one of the plants. Determined that not to happen tot these 2 (Big Easy left, AK49 right)

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Still have few minor issues, these are on the AK49. The first, I think this is a cal-mag issue.

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And the second is these curly leaves which has me stumped. It can't be high temps... I've had a couple of temp spikes to 28c but none for long periods of time, my temps are averaging 22-26c.


Could the fact my tube heater maybe a bit close to the pots and maybe over heating the roots to cause this. I have done a temp check by the pots and got an average reading of 1c difference than above the canopy.


Also this on one of the Big Easys...I'm thinking nute burn.

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Apart from those few issue can't wait to get these plants to harvest, should beat the first harvest by some.
I do love this view every time I open the tent a crack to have a look.

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I'm no canna specialist by a long shot but 1st pic doesn't look to be ca/mg to me, maybe pH flux?? Idk, just a guess.
2nd there a fan blowing on her? The way leaves are twisting indicates to me, it is trying to shield something, heat or wind.
3rd pic, I agree. Looks overfed.
Obviously, don't take my diagnostic as anything serious. Wait for the pros.
Lastly....good luck getting light through THAT canopy!
All and all, you are rocking it!
I'm no canna specialist by a long shot but 1st pic doesn't look to be ca/mg to me, maybe pH flux?? Idk, just a guess.
2nd there a fan blowing on her? The way leaves are twisting indicates to me, it is trying to shield something, heat or wind.
3rd pic, I agree. Looks overfed.
Obviously, don't take my diagnostic as anything serious. Wait for the pros.
Lastly....good luck getting light through THAT canopy!
All and all, you are rocking it!

Heat was first on my mind but like I said I've only spiked at 28c a couple times. When i first saw it I maneuvered the fan to blow that direction to help thinking it must be heat, so I eliminated the fan as a possible cause but I've seen no improvement. Mind you i have not seen it spread since moving the lights...problem maybe solved.
I have been slowly removing leaves to help the light get on down through the canopy, the AK49 is working out well but the Big Easy I have trained is giving me a challenge, not as bad as her predecessors, so I expect a lot less fluffy bud...this is why I think I will go will just one plant on my next grow and try and fill the tent with a scrog. If done right with the right strain I should yield as much as 2/3 plants squeezed in...the only way is yo find out.

its probably light stress from the LED's from being too close

You could be right sir, @jingo seem to think the same thing that my lights being to close is causeing me some micro deficiency. Now the light is up we will just have see how it go's over the next couple of days.
Temp Up date
Well my loft (attic) grow has had its first real test with low temps. Over the passed 3 nights the temps have been dropping in my part of the UK below freezing every night and last night being the coldest. Out side a full-on winter frost and the ambient temp in the loft was 4c at its lowest, the tent had lows of 21c and highs of 25c. That's with my 80w tube heater on full and my hoxbox on just over half power. I would call that a success and I have not even boxed the tent in yet. I'm looking forward to seeing how it keeps the heat in when I do.
I got a lot of warning about growing through the winter in a UK loft but I think I'm all over that heating now...bring on the super mega gonna be the coldest in living history white winter the tabloid papers keep telling us we shall be getting (they said the same last year.) doubt they will try and blame it on immigration.
My best tip for any one wanting to grow in a loft space is to build a hotbox like mine and have your intake air come of the house into the box then into the tent, lovely warm air. And have a tube heater on floor keeping them pots warm.
I am investing on thermostat controllers for my heaters this week so i don't have to keep checking the controls, stick them on full and let the controller do its job.