New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Up date
Grow 1.2 day 70

All 3 had a water and feed (4ml PM Old Timer Bloom, 1ml cal-mag, 1.5ml AV Big Bud) 5ltr each, plenty of run off on the 2 Big Easys but not so much on the AK49, she is a mighty thirsty girl.
Did a bit more defoliation to open there middle up a bit. I had too much fluffy bud on the last harvest on one of the plants. Determined that not to happen tot these 2 (Big Easy left, AK49 right)

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Still have few minor issues, these are on the AK49. The first, I think this is a cal-mag issue.

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And the second is these curly leaves which has me stumped. It can't be high temps... I've had a couple of temp spikes to 28c but none for long periods of time, my temps are averaging 22-26c.

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Could the fact my tube heater maybe a bit close to the pots and maybe over heating the roots to cause this. I have done a temp check by the pots and got an average reading of 1c difference than above the canopy.

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Also this on one of the Big Easys...I'm thinking nute burn.

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Apart from those few issue can't wait to get these plants to harvest, should beat the first harvest by some.
I do love this view every time I open the tent a crack to have a look.

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sweet looking buds bro!
Don't worry we the UK will offer asylum to all US citizens if the worst comes to pass then I think we shall build a wall across the pond to keep the Trump-ites out...The AFN refugee camp can be in my back garden
Cant Leave We gotta stick it out and fix our own mess. We didn't get ourselves into this but we damned sure gotta work to get ourselves out. If we cut and run it just makes them stronger. Not that I wouldn't want to come play in a perennial border...
Up date
Grow 1.2 day 70

All 3 had a water and feed (4ml PM Old Timer Bloom, 1ml cal-mag, 1.5ml AV Big Bud) 5ltr each, plenty of run off on the 2 Big Easys but not so much on the AK49, she is a mighty thirsty girl.
Did a bit more defoliation to open there middle up a bit. I had too much fluffy bud on the last harvest on one of the plants. Determined that not to happen tot these 2 (Big Easy left, AK49 right)

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Still have few minor issues, these are on the AK49. The first, I think this is a cal-mag issue.

View attachment 665355

And the second is these curly leaves which has me stumped. It can't be high temps... I've had a couple of temp spikes to 28c but none for long periods of time, my temps are averaging 22-26c.

View attachment 665356

Could the fact my tube heater maybe a bit close to the pots and maybe over heating the roots to cause this. I have done a temp check by the pots and got an average reading of 1c difference than above the canopy.

View attachment 665357

Also this on one of the Big Easys...I'm thinking nute burn.

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Apart from those few issue can't wait to get these plants to harvest, should beat the first harvest by some.
I do love this view every time I open the tent a crack to have a look.

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It looks pretty awesome in there right now @Slater ! I see 30 to 40 nice tops easily..
Cant Leave We gotta stick it out and fix our own mess. We didn't get ourselves into this but we damned sure gotta work to get ourselves out. If we cut and run it just makes them stronger. Not that I wouldn't want to come play in a perennial border...

In the same boat with our brexit problems...looks like we might not leave now but lets see what happens...on a good note in politics, the legalization argument has reared it head again here in the UK and in positive way. Medical legalization is on the cards now and that means growing your own will be too.
It looks pretty awesome in there right now @Slater ! I see 30 to 40 nice tops easily..

Thank you @Eyeoftheworld it is a wonder every time open that tent... very existed for harvest to see how much I get this time, will have dry weight on the first 3 in a weeks time.
Its been the real test these past 3 days and nights, there has been no messing about with the frost, full-on super freezing...coldest frost I've seen for a few years in our area .
This is the one I'm going to get, very inexpensive for what it is. I've been caught out by a few warm days and cold ones when I've set the temps to high/ there should be no temp spikes when I get this...

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Those type of thermostats work well. I use these for my reptiles. You can also look at johnsons works well, you can plug your space heaters or anything to it.