New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Thats perfect brother! I'll be choping x mas week lol gonna be a green x mas

I'm expecting to be chopping my second round on Christmas week. It's gonna be tight, I've got to take the family away to my mothers for 4 days. I may have to find a plant sitter if they over run...which they most probably will :rolleyes1:
Hell yeah im gonna start 4 more next week trying to get a rotation going my friends be killing my stash lol I should be in the 65 70 day mark hope I can taste a bud for the new year. Ill come watch your plants I need a vacation lol.
Hell yeah im gonna start 4 more next week trying to get a rotation going my friends be killing my stash lol I should be in the 65 70 day mark hope I can taste a bud for the new year. Ill come watch your plants I need a vacation lol.

I've got to wait to new year before i put and more beans in soil...I'm surely tempted but I need to break down and re build, got some serious tweaking to do.
We should start a Groom exchange they do at schools with foreign exchange students... or a holiday groom sitting service...think we may be on to something dude :pass:
Nice job bud! the drying system is perfect too.


Thank you @Dudeski feeling pretty pleased with my self now 2 plants have made the chop and are on the dry. One got chopped a bit early but I did need the room. It has made me realise how much I need that second tent. Now I have come to the end and I can look back I see where I went wrong and what I did right.... to honest its not that hard, if you follow all the adivce on here and grow soil (learn to walk before you run) on your first grow you can't go wrong...I'm thinking of putting a thread for the newbie together explaining what I did and read to get where i am. Maybe It will help some from panicing.
I've got to wait to new year before i put and more beans in soil...I'm surely tempted but I need to break down and re build, got some serious tweaking to do.
We should start a Groom exchange they do at schools with foreign exchange students... or a holiday groom sitting service...think we may be on to something dude :pass:

I wanna go to the uk and Netherlands so bad I just wanna see the old world and stone roads and the country side. The Us is okay but it not as nice as the mother land.
I wanna go to the uk and Netherlands so bad I just wanna see the old world and stone roads and the country side. The Us is okay but it not as nice as the mother land.

Any one from AFN is welcome to come visit, hell I would even make sure ya all got sorted like good host should do. I also live in a very old town, one that every AFN member will want to visit... If ya ever visit the west country in the UK make sure you drop me a line.

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Any one from AFN is welcome to come visit, hell I would even make sure ya all got sorted like good host should do. I also live in a very old town, one that every AFN member will want to visit... If ya ever visit the west country in the UK make sure you drop me a line.

Sent from mTalk

Thanks homie! I definitely would! Mabe in a few years when I get my shit together lol im still a young buck only 26. Id actually like to move to liverpool or a close town. Ive heard nothing but good things about the uk couple buddies backpacked threw euro for a few years. Definitely on the bucket list! If you ever come to Chicago I got you on all the best places to eat. And our pizza and gyros and beef sammichs are the best in the usa!
Thanks homie! I definitely would! Mabe in a few years when I get my shit together lol im still a young buck only 26. Id actually like to move to liverpool or a close town. Ive heard nothing but good things about the uk couple buddies backpacked threw euro for a few years. Definitely on the bucket list! If you ever come to Chicago I got you on all the best places to eat. And our pizza and gyros and beef sammichs are the best in the usa!

I might be state side next year for my job hopefully. Where and when that will be is in question, I'm hoping it will take me west coast but I have a funny feeling it will be east coast, either way I look forward to finally visiting the US...Liverpool...BAH... Bristol if ya down south (amazing music scene, its where the Bass music/trap scene is from, its the our home of some of our best electronic music and its on my door step) or if you have to do north I would say Manchester, only because I lived next to it for 2 yrs (it can be the devils city) and when you live in Cheshire you have to take a side and my mates where Mancs and Manc city fans, I had no choice being a 'southern softy' as i was know as...there is a fierce rivalry between those 2 towns.