New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

been waiting a while for this!!


thats a pretty good pull bud looks delish too!! Well done


Thank you @Powerful14, so have i, its been the biggest test of patients that I've ever put my self through. The worst part is still to go with the cure but I'm determined to see this through because no doubt this will be my first smoke in years to smoke some properly cured last visit to dam most probably been the last time i did smoke some...I'm super excited to try when its done, roll on Christmas.
What plant is that growing front right side?

It's another Big Easy, she is about a 1m tall. I did another 2 B.E to do a comparison a see what I did wrong on the first 3. Well having way more success with the next 2, double the size I would say.

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Any time bro dont wanna see those beautiful buds get powdery mildew point a fan at the wall were you dry but make sure its not blasting on the bags. Fishing line is awesome for hanging full plants and bags I staple them on the fishing line on and hang like that. Honestly after the chop is the most important I learned from many mistakes it sucks losing meds to simple little stuff.
Any time bro dont wanna see those beautiful buds get powdery mildew point a fan at the wall were you dry but make sure its not blasting on the bags. Fishing line is awesome for hanging full plants and bags I staple them on the fishing line on and hang like that. Honestly after the chop is the most important I learned from many mistakes it sucks losing meds to simple little stuff.

Cheers @CaptainDave420 all sorted, all of them off the floor and hung now. I've taken the fan and placed it low, pointing toward the floor away from the bags/buds and on its lowest speed. I checked the bags gave them a burp and a jiggle and they all look fab...its now becoming torture to check on them, it will be Christmas when they will be ready, it can't come any sooner.
Cheers @CaptainDave420 all sorted, all of them off the floor and hung now. I've taken the fan and placed it low, pointing toward the floor away from the bags/buds and on its lowest speed. I checked the bags gave them a burp and a jiggle and they all look fab...its now becoming torture to check on them, it will be Christmas when they will be ready, it can't come any sooner.
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Thats perfect brother! I'll be choping x mas week lol gonna be a green x mas