New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Lol, they have a sixth sense and know when we are up yo something ! it sure is a horrible problem to have when you plants get too big...

Great job bud

Thank dude... its getting interesting in the attic, I really don't want to chop early due lack of space.
I think I might go ahead and chop number 3, be nice if you could give it dark period.

Thanks @jingo I had a feeling you might say that. Now sat here eating my breakfast working out how to do a dark period. Does it matter about heat, air flow etc or is just important that the plant sits in the dark for12hrs or so before being chopped ?
It can be a bit colder, but you need good ventilation to avoid pm or rot.

Now I'm in conundrum...gonna have to spend the weekend in thought about this. I've got to go away for a couple of days tomorrow for work so no time to chop until maybe Mon if I go for a dark period, Sun night if I skip it (the extra few days will be a bonus, would love to get couch lock on that high).
Whats the shortest recommended time for a dark period ? they are on a 20/4 light cycle...would that 4 hrs of dark be enough ? ... shame its not 2 plants needing the chop all my problems would be solved.
We live and we learn... 2 plants per tent with at least an 8wk gap between them from now on.
You dont have to do a dark time for chop just make sure soil is dry when you chop. Lots of guys dont even hang dry they trim and rack or bag dry autos. Ive always hung for 5 days then rack dry to my liking.

I was going to go for the brown paper bag method, it will fit with my situation a lot better... now in the dream world I was living in at the start I had them all finishing at the same time and on time with a clean swap over of the tents...HA... there's my first big lesson learned.

Really excited about this next bit of drying and curing, its been a long long time since I would say I had properly cured canna... I would say that my taste buds have forgotten what its really like, you get so used to having poor quality flavor and smell it becomes the norm. I just hope to get it right.
Finally found some time for an up-date

Grow 1.0 Day 78
Things are moving along nicely and we creep ever so closely to harvest. All 3 I think will chop at different times, plant no.3 being the first in about a week. I wish they would hurry up things have got really tight in the small tent which has resulted in the moving of the AK 49 into the main tent.
(these pics where taken yesterday)
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The Problem I'm having is grow 1.2 has gone to well and I've got better stretch out of them, especially on the 2 Big Easy's, so much more height compared to first 3 in grow 1.0. And they are still growing, this pic was taken yesterday and they have grown an inch since it was taken. I did move the first 3 plants to finish off in the small tent but the filter in there is just not up to the job and I had smell leek. Not enough to smell down stairs or out side but I'm not taking any chances so back to the main tent they smell now...god bless rhino filters.
Will have to re think this tomorrow the Big one may have to move.
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Plant no.1 - She's gonna be last in the harvest, 2 weeks maybe a bit more. I've have had a smoke off her and It was to not bad. nice and heady high which shows on the trics.
Some clear some cloudy and the odd amber one.
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Plant no.2 - She is still pushing out the pistols and slowly getting fatter, most probably got 2+ weeks to go. I'm giving her a feed every other water will give just water after next feed about the start of wk13...
I really hope she is ready in time for the BOM comp.
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Plant no.3 - I think its about 7 days away from the chop. She has got plenty of milky trics and a far few amber ones too, pretty well much stopped producing pistols and have most have all turned brown. What do you think am I there or wait for those few more days ? @jingo @Powerful14 @Eyeoftheworld @Dudeski @2Stoned2Care
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Hard for me to say @Slater im new here but she looks ready to me... great work btw. :slap:
I like chopping plants over time, but my whole lung room is filtered and the smell gets intense.

This has been on my mind for bit of where to chop and at what time... the middle of the night or mid day when the everyone is at work... I will most probably go middle of the night, street is in bed and no one is going to come knocking on the door for a visit at that time.
I have planned to do it in my bathroom, sealing it up and hoping for the best. My intake is coming off the inside of the cupboard, the bathroom is small so with the cupboard door open I stand a chance of some smell being sucked up in to the tents to be filtered.