New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

UP Date
Grow 1.0 day 74
Watered plants no. 2 & 3 4ltr each

Plant no. 2 - 2ml over drive, 2ml bloom...Decided to give her a feed of bloom as I think we may have over 2 wks to go. She is currently doubling in size and I thought she might be hungry. Want to get her looking her best now she's in the BOM comp (thank you again @jingo ). Been messing about with my camera in the limited room I have in the attic trying to see if i can get a good shot for the comp.


Some bud shots

You can really see on this pic that she is still kicking out loads of pistols

Best tric shot I could get

Plant no.3 - 2ml Over Drive... She is getting there slowly, a scattering of pistols left but not much action any more. I don't know how it happened but bud fell of the other day so I had to try her... nice heady hit but not long lasting, this tells me she has time to go, I like a bit of couch lock.




Looking great, pressure builds a little when you're in the comp

Tell me about it, I'm try to get that perfect shot with only about 2m to play with and getting her to fatten that little bit more. I think its going to be tight for harvest...end of the month