New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Temp Up date
Well we had our first frost last night, not a heavy one by all means just a scattering on the shed roof and on the building behind our house. The loft (attic) was rather cold when I went up. Its kinda court me by surprise, I have been turning the heating down in the groom due to very unseasonably warm weather at the moment.
I had the tube heater in the small tent on 2/3 power and with the hot box she had the lows of 21c and the highs of 25c. The main tent is just running on the hot box and lows of 22c and highs of 26c.
Its still not a proper test but I'm feeling confident that she can take a good cold snap. Again I think its all because of running the intake of the house, when i was pulling air from the eve's I had much more of a battle on my hands but the air in the house keeps reasonably steady temp.
I've been there dude - I know the heartbreak it can be!

The phone app sounds like a great idea! I wondered a while back if it would be possible to automate an entire grow. Like literally drop the seed, zip the tent up and come back in 70 days to harvest. I could call it 'The Full Automated Home Grow System (Weed Edition)'. I have no originality I know but just think if we were to link your app into it :lol::lol::lol: Are you getting that feeling that we've just hit on an amazing idea that will make us incredibly rich as well???

I'm off to start building a prototype :biggrin:

All the app needs to do is read you hygrometer and control your heater / fans or be able to switch sockets on or off. You could then sit at work and control those spikes you get trough out the day.
I'm really surprised we don't have something yet, especially for a hygrometer. You can get wifi ones but they are small weather stations. I was looking into them (for a crimbo prezzy from my kids) to to find one that records data to get really good idea of how the temps run through 24hrs...I also wanted to nerd out with data sheets.

I do know a man (a very good friend) that his job is building apps...he has a masters degree in it.
Up date
Grow 1.0 Day 71
Watered no. 2 and 3, both 4ltr, 2ml AV overdrive...plenty of run off, especially no.3, she is not drinking as much as she was.

No.2 is still going mental on the pistols and buds increasing in size every day. I have also moved her in the tent so she is now more under the 600w.
I am wondering whether to give her a feed of Bloom nutes, she could have more than 2 weeks left in her
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You can just about see the pistols she kicking out, that AV over drive has definitely done something, she was putting loads out but now she has gone mental and doubled the amount.
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Plant no. 3... she has slowed, chucked a few pistols out since having the overdrive but now way near a quarter of what no. 2 has put out. I think she may well be ready first and soon..ish.
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Grow 1.2 Day 43
Watered all three yesterday, Plant Magic - 2ml grow, 1ml bio silicon. All 3 have now had 3 sprays of over grow and since doing it there is a massive burst of healthy life, it like they thanked me. They have started to stretch loads this past 3 days.They also look so much heather then my first 3, more vigorous. I also feel more relaxed on these plants now I've got a feel of what to do. I have this funny feeling they are going to be a bit bigger...I really hope I don't run out of room, waiting for space to come up in the main tent.
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Up Date
Grow 1.2 Day 45
Watered all 3 - PM Old timer 2ml grow, PM Bio-Silicon 1ml, PM 1ml cal-mag. All 3 has a Foliage spray with over grow (probably the last)

I would say that this grow is 5 days (maybe more) behind where grow 1.0 had got at this date, they where really beginning to bloom. Mind you the girls have now really hit the big time and are reaching for the sky. I've had to move the fan well up or it was becoming some sort of canna horror movie, growing nearly 2" a day towards an open fan ready to shred you to bits.
Even though this grow may seem behind time wise it so not behind on growth, I really think I'm going to run out of room before I can get them across to the main tent. Luckily I think I will be chopping plant no.3 from grow 1.0 sometime mid next week so that will free up some room in the main tent.

Big Easy (named Tracey)
Every thing about this plant say she is looking so much better than my first Big Easys, think I'm going to get few more inches out of her.


AK 49 vision seeds (named Nikita)
I am so excited with this plant, she is just going mental. She has taken to the scrog like a duck to water (wish I had a bigger one and more space). I'm really happy with my training on her, I have learned loads with this plant. I'm pretty stoked with getting her top reasonably level as well. She is also really really thirsty compared to the Big Easys, drinking every thing up much much faster.
I'm so looking forward to this smoke it been years since i smoked any AK and first on my bucket grow list to do. The Big Easy's was and will be an experiment into growing on how to do it, if I fucked them up no biggie, I've saved my nice strains for when I know what I'm up to.


Running out of room know what else I have learned with this grow the most is...Timing...maybe should have waited for few more week to have planted the second round off seeds and I would be in this position of wait for the space in the main tent to come up. And less is more, from now on just 2 plants at a time in either tent.
Didn't get the Big easy on the far left out, she is not as thirsty so watered her in the tent with just 2ltr. She is going well, I've hardly touch with any training and she seem to be tacking a nice shape
