New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Time for an Up date

Grow 1.0 Day 67
Watered plants no.2 and 3 both 1ml grow, 2ml bloom, 1ml big bud.

Plant No.2 has more yellowing leaves but is still swelling and putting more weight on. She is spewing plenty of pistols out every day. Both plants have started to produce a nice purple on the tops of the buds. With the yellowing and purple tops the lady's are are having there own mini autumn in the tent and rather photogenic with those wonderful colours.
I am wondering if we are coming to the end and I should start the AV Over Drive and the flushing on the next water.

Plant No.2
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Plant No.3
She seems to be ahead by a few days, she has slowed down on swelling and is not producing as many pistols as plant No.1. She has less yellowing of the leaves but they are starting to go. I think she's maybe ready for the AV Over drive.
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Grow 1.2 Day 39

Looking good so far with no problems. All three are starting to stretch, lets hope I have enough room in this tent (120cm high with the light that's only 100cm of space). The AK 49 (center) is not meant to get that tall but the Big Easy's (when done right) can go over a meter.
The AK49 is loving the scrog, seems to really suit her. I recon she could probably take a topping.
I removed the scrog on the right hand Big Easy, I felt is was just holder her back. It done its job and got her top level. If any one wants to grow a Big Easy I recommend that you only do light training they don't seem to like being held down much.
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Looking wonderful man! Nice Phat buds :p
Is the purple genetics or freezing your tits off cold weather ;)
Either way they look beautiful dude
Never used that overdrive myself but I think it's probably good time to hit it now. You may be just a little late I'm not sure.

I thought that might be my last feed, I had this funny felling that plant no.3 has only got about a week left a good 2/3 of the pistols have browned and curled and she has slowed considerably compered to plant no. 2. Going to start the flushing tomorrow on the next water...exciting :woohoo1:
Looking wonderful man! Nice Phat buds :p
Is the purple genetics or freezing your tits off cold weather ;)
Either way they look beautiful dude

They sure look tasty man, its now come torture to look in the tent. Looks like we have about a week to go on plant no.2 and maybe a few more days on top of that for No.3.
I think the purple is a genetics thing, the official photo's seem to show some...I sure hope its not a freezing thing or my hygrometer is a touch on the wrong side.
Looking awesome bro :slap: for all that hard work buds looking very nice.:woohoo:

Yeah defiantly wouldn't put it all to begin luck tho bro u worked hard for this now u will be rewarded with lovely dank buds to smoke man wish u all the best on your future grows to u been more than helpful with me and helped me loads so thanks once again! . :d5:
Yeah defiantly wouldn't put it all to begin luck tho bro u worked hard for this now u will be rewarded with lovely dank buds to smoke man wish u all the best on your future grows to u been more than helpful with me and helped me loads so thanks once again! . :d5:

thanks @michaelyeo91 for the slap, so can't wait for that smoke but good things come to those who wait... I'm gonna be so stoned when the time comes.
No worry's on the help dude,I love to share knowledge and help when I can if I can, a big part of my job is teaching.
thanks @michaelyeo91 for the slap, so can't wait for that smoke but good things come to those who wait... I'm gonna be so stoned when the time comes.
No worry's on the help dude,I love to share knowledge and help when I can if I can, a big part of my job is teaching.

No problem and yeah they defiantly do come to those who wait bet u can't wait to smoke that fist j man, I can't wait to see what my gorilla comes out like!!

man, first time stumbled over here
look what I've been missing
gorgeous growing Slater

Thanks @trailanimal , I never knew I had the green fingers in me :pass:

No problem and yeah they defiantly do come to those who wait bet u can't wait to smoke that fist j man, I can't wait to see what my gorilla comes out like!!


That first J will be a very sacred one :worship: