New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

up date
Grow 1.0 Day 69
watered all 3, we are now on to the flush. Plant no. 2 and 3 both got 1ml AV Over Drive. Not giving any Over drive to plant No. 1 keeping her completely organic just see what difference we have at the end in smoke, size etc...
Just up close tric shots for the pics today

Plant no.1 (runty)...still producing pistols but no way near as big at the other 2 there is something to be said for that AV Big Bud. She has a mix of clear, cloudy and sprinkling of amber, goign by the trics I would think she has still got some more time in her.




Plant no.2...she is still kicking out the pistols like crazy, I recon she going to do the 12 weeks



Plant no.3... She still looks like she is going to be ready first, not kicking out many pistol as plant no.2, let see how the AV overdrive works on her. I hope I'm not to late because she could be ready by the weekend.



And i also found this in the grow room, I think I may have an infestation... Happy Halloween every one
I read through all 32 pages of your diary @Slater and man, incredible job you've done with these so far!! :thumbsup:

And I'm loving your winning battle with the temps! Even more commendable given your running LED's! :thumbsup:

So yeah it's thumbs up all around and a massive


Keep up the great work!!
I read through all 32 pages of your diary @Slater and man, incredible job you've done with these so far!! :thumbsup:

And I'm loving your winning battle with the temps! Even more commendable given your running LED's! :thumbsup:

So yeah it's thumbs up all around and a massive


Keep up the great work!!

Thanks dude it is a battle with those temps...been harder the past few days with the warm days and temp drop at 3am in morning, trying to get every thing to switch on and off when needed is being a bit fun at the moment. but this is all a learning curve...I'm waiting for that phone app that we an see our the temp/RH readings and control everything from work.
Tell you what @Stormtrooper running the intake off the house is the best thing, that made most of the difference. Like you said in your journal the tube heater gives you a few degrees and the rad in the box gives me about 5-7c (I've not got it to full power yet) with that and the intake of the house which is at the moment never go' below 17c everything seem to be working...lets see what happens when we get a frost.
Thanks dude it is a battle with those temps...been harder the past few days with the warm days and temp drop at 3am in morning, trying to get every thing to switch on and off when needed is being a bit fun at the moment. but this is all a learning curve...I'm waiting for that phone app that we an see our the temp/RH readings and control everything from work.

I've been there dude - I know the heartbreak it can be!

The phone app sounds like a great idea! I wondered a while back if it would be possible to automate an entire grow. Like literally drop the seed, zip the tent up and come back in 70 days to harvest. I could call it 'The Full Automated Home Grow System (Weed Edition)'. I have no originality I know but just think if we were to link your app into it :lol::lol::lol: Are you getting that feeling that we've just hit on an amazing idea that will make us incredibly rich as well???

I'm off to start building a prototype :biggrin: