New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Holy *foul mouth* they look good slater!
There is no way you're a first time grower you must have been a hemp farmer in a previous life or something...
A very deserved slap, unfortunately I'm going to have to owe it to you till I can find 5 ppl
Holy *foul mouth* they look good slater!
There is no way you're a first time grower you must have been a hemp farmer in a previous life or something...
A very deserved slap, unfortunately I'm going to have to owe it to you till I can find 5 ppl
What do you meen owe it to you? Is there a limit to the reps?
What do you meen owe it to you? Is there a limit to the reps?
Yep, I have to give rep to 5 more people before I can give another to slater. The same happend for you so I have just given you your second ;) and il have to give 5 more people reps before I can give you another and so on :p
Like i said it was really strange how that branch fell off the plant, one minute it was OK then next it was in my hand...strange...

So its time to sample the goods and to celebrate 15yrs ago somewhere in London, in a dirty club (that is now the Olympic stadium) raving hard to a psy-trance act called Dark Soho me and the misses got together.

Holy *foul mouth* they look good slater!
There is no way you're a first time grower you must have been a hemp farmer in a previous life or something...
A very deserved slap, unfortunately I'm going to have to owe it to you till I can find 5 ppl

I think it maybe in the genes...well I've been stoned for the past 26yrs that's got to count for something
Like i said it was really strange how that branch fell off the plant, one minute it was OK then next it was in my hand...strange...

So its time to sample the goods and to celebrate 15yrs ago somewhere in London, in a dirty club (that is now the Olympic stadium) raving hard to a psy-trance act called Dark Soho me and the misses got together.

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Here's a slipper @Slater for u and the wife 15 years is impressive a lot like those plants!!

Here's a slipper @Slater for u and the wife 15 years is impressive a lot like those plants!!


Thank you @Powerful14... I'm shocked at 15yrs as well, time don't half flyby.
Will try and do an up date later if I get time, snowed under with work and I finding it hard to skive off and be on here... the misses has got one eye on me, I' m not aloud out to play until all my home work is done ;) ...shit here she comes...
Thank you @Powerful14... I'm shocked at 15yrs as well, time don't half flyby.
Will try and do an up date later if I get time, snowed under with work and I finding it hard to skive off and be on here... the misses has got one eye on me, I' m not aloud out to play until all my home work is done ;) ...shit here she comes...

Lol, they have a sixth sense and know when we are up yo something ! it sure is a horrible problem to have when you plants get too big...

Great job bud
Finally found some time for an up-date

Grow 1.0 Day 78
Things are moving along nicely and we creep ever so closely to harvest. All 3 I think will chop at different times, plant no.3 being the first in about a week. I wish they would hurry up things have got really tight in the small tent which has resulted in the moving of the AK 49 into the main tent.
(these pics where taken yesterday)

The Problem I'm having is grow 1.2 has gone to well and I've got better stretch out of them, especially on the 2 Big Easy's, so much more height compared to first 3 in grow 1.0. And they are still growing, this pic was taken yesterday and they have grown an inch since it was taken. I did move the first 3 plants to finish off in the small tent but the filter in there is just not up to the job and I had smell leek. Not enough to smell down stairs or out side but I'm not taking any chances so back to the main tent they smell now...god bless rhino filters.
Will have to re think this tomorrow the Big one may have to move.

Plant no.1 - She's gonna be last in the harvest, 2 weeks maybe a bit more. I've have had a smoke off her and It was to not bad. nice and heady high which shows on the trics.
Some clear some cloudy and the odd amber one.



Plant no.2 - She is still pushing out the pistols and slowly getting fatter, most probably got 2+ weeks to go. I'm giving her a feed every other water will give just water after next feed about the start of wk13...
I really hope she is ready in time for the BOM comp.



Plant no.3 - I think its about 7 days away from the chop. She has got plenty of milky trics and a far few amber ones too, pretty well much stopped producing pistols and have most have all turned brown. What do you think am I there or wait for those few more days ? @jingo @Powerful14 @Eyeoftheworld @Dudeski @2Stoned2Care




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