New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

I can't BELIEVE you posted this almost 7 hours ago or more and nobody has mentioned to you...
:smoking:... Pics or it didn't!!!! :rofl:

Just for you @Eyeoftheworld , me in my weekend gear
Up date
Grow 1.0 Day 60
Watered the 2 largest plants (no.2 and 3) - 1ml bloom, 1ml Big bud, 1ml cal-mag.
Both are now kicking some real stink out (super lemons), stinking the house out when its watering time.
This could be the last feed before I start the AV Over Drive. Its difficult to tell when I'm coming into the last couple of the weeks, Freedom Seeds do say this is a 65-70 day. Buds are still swelling, and I do have some amber trics but not really seen the yellowing of the leaves one or two but I think they are ones that have got damaged getting the pots out of the tent.

plant No.2... can't wait to see what she gives

Some bud action



Some close up trics


plant No. 3... she might not be as tall as No.1 but her buds are fatter and much more dense, she has a surprising amount hidden below the canopy. I think she will be first for the chop.


Here she is showing off her buds




Here's all the lady's together

Grow 1.2 Day 32
The AK49 (the one in the centre) has taken to the scrog like demon, wish it was a bit bigger now. The big easy on the right is bit difficult to control because she is so leafy. On hindsight should have left her like the one on the left. These Big Easy's have been fun to grow but and bitch to train due there thick foliage.
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Damn they're looking really nice dude :slap: I think you may still have a way to go, I see calxs swelling some. I'd look for a bit more.


Love the macro shot those are nice big fat trichomes. That's the kind of stuff I like to make bubble hash out of.

So when I'm looking at close-ups of my bud I usually don't count the Amber's right out on those little sweet leaves. I like to see the Amber more on the swollen calyx on that on that meaty part of the bud.