New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

I'm on Batman Arkham Night at the moment, but a big PGA tour player...
Been DJ'ing for the past 17yrs (part of the psy-trance scene since 98), free party's, squat party's and clubs nights all over the UK...slowed down since the kids have come along (also the BPM's) and setting my own business up with the misses but I still go my fingers in the psychedelic pie, mainly playing locally and the odd festy gig in the summer.
Nice! a couple of my close friends are well into psytrance, there all raving hippies. Been to a few Equinox party's and comunes myslef it's a great scene. But I like my 140-172BPMs I love Drum and bass, but the scene has gotten too "gangster" for me lol
a couple of my close friends are well into psytrance, there all raving hippies

Yep that's about right, been dealing with them for years, psy-trance hippies are not real hippies in my book... I never went full psy hippie someone had to be on the ball to organize the party's and pay the artists... Used to knock about with some of the Jungle crew from the J14 party's back in the day (named after Junction 14 on the M1, most party's happened in that area)... I mainly hung out at the Psy rig though
Up date
Grow 1.0 Day 58
Watered the 2 largest this morning- 2ml grow, 1ml big bud, 1ml cal-mag
Both bulking out nicely and swelling in front my very eye's...I'm completely in awe with them. I could just sit there in font of the tent watching them grow.

Grow 1.2 Day 30
The tube heater has kept the small tent at a steady 21c -25c for the past 24hrs so I call that a successes and its been cold, tonight will be a test temps are expected to drop. Will have to pick another up for the main tent so worth it for the price of 30 notes.

Sorry no pics, no time to edit. Got some movie watching to do tonight, got the new Star Trek to enjoy...time to put my Trekkie outfit on ;)