New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

luckily not anymore she's just popped 1 out :p
But yea, apparantly "mine are much nicer" but that's only because il make her a big fat 1 that knocks her out so I can watch my own shit on TV haha

hahahaha thats why i used to make her big fat ones so she would go to bed and watch tele and leave me to my own devices(ie.bong,vape,joint.films and music) :d5:
I was so far behind here, I had to skim a bunch but, jeeeezus!! You ROCKED this grow!

thank you @Yeatster ... I'm doing all the superstitious things possible to get me to the end...might have to do a sacrificial offering to really make sure we make it to harvest "now kids, who loves daddy the most" ;)
Looking wonderful slater! Truely :p

Have to say the only downside of having a hip, hip, hip, lady...
Having to roll 2 joints every time you want to smoke 1 lmao ;)

I hear that, when she did smoke I did all the rolling at home...when we used to be able to smoke in clubs she was a star and used roll them for me wile DJ'ing, mind you I would have keep an eye on it or she would steal it from under my nose.
DJ and Xbox we share the same hobbys ;)
battlefield 1 by any chance...

I'm on Batman Arkham Night at the moment, but a big PGA tour player...
Been DJ'ing for the past 17yrs (part of the psy-trance scene since 98), free party's, squat party's and clubs nights all over the UK...slowed down since the kids have come along (also the BPM's) and setting my own business up with the misses but I still go my fingers in the psychedelic pie, mainly playing locally and the odd festy gig in the summer.
Time for the daily up date
Grow 1.0 Day 57
Watered Runty... 1ml grow, 1ml cal-mag, 3ml bloom, 3ml seaweed...decide not give runty any AV big bud, didn't really want waste it on her as she is not going to give as much as the3 other 2 but I did decide to carry on with the seaweed. Say's on the bottle good for flowering so i thought it can't hurt.

Even though she is stunted there are some nice buds but no way near as phat as the other 2 plants.




Here's the other 2 in full-on tent action, packing the weight on every day. I'm expecting them to get much fatter... still can't believe I've managed to get plants looking like this on my first grow.




Had a temp drop in the small tent last night to 15.9c with the hotbox on (main tent stayed at a steady 20c - 22c, she is drawing most of the heat) so picked up a tube heater today (71cm 80w) on, raised the temps by 6c in the small tent to a nice steady 24c - 25c with no hotbox, Going to pick one up for the main tent, i should then only need the hot box for the really cold points of the day and night.